And What's The Opposite Of Ugly?

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I'm such an idiot.

It's the day before the gala and it has only just now hit me. I'm a total fucking idiot.

I keep messing it up with her. She hasn't said a word to me since Saturday. I've seen her when I went over to see Haley, but I secretly go over to see her. But I'm getting the silent treatment. She doesn't even look at me. Yes, it's bothers me. Yes, I'm annoyed at myself. I was so stupid. Why didn't I delete those pictures? I don't even look at them anymore. I'm sitting at my desk trying to study but it's not going well at all.

Buzz. Buzz.

I jump across my room praying it's her. I frown when I see Haley's name on the screen. But the message has her name in it.

Haley: Will you drop Carter off to collect her car? Pleeeease xx

I chuckle at my sister trying to beg me. But I will one hundred percent do it for her in a heartbeat.

Me: sure be there in 5 xx

I grab my hat and leave out the door. TJ is in the gym at the moment so it'll hopefully be just me and her. I start up my truck as soon as I'm inside and back out of the space, within a couple of minutes I'm outside their dorm building and climb out to go and get her. I wait for the elevator and press the floor they're on. I notice the stares I'm getting from the girls walking through the lobby part of the building. Walking up to the brown door I knock and I see Danielle answer the door with a beaming smile. Then I hear yelling.

"Come on Carter! Do you want your car or not?" Haley taps her foot as Carter runs around the room collecting some papers and her drivers licence.

"Haley, I asked you not to. I'm perfectly happy with taking the bus-"

"Which will be over an hour!" My sister raises her hands at Carter still collecting things to put in her bag.

"An hour that I would happily do! Haley, I appreciate the gesture but I'm fine. I don't need a Chauffeur..." she trails off and turns to me. "Sorry to bring you out, but I can get the bus-" she walks by me and leaves down the stairs. It's the first time she's made eye contact with me since Saturday. I see Haley going to follow her out and I stop her.

"Let me handle this" I push her and Danielle back inside the room as I race down after the blue eyed beauty I've been dying to talk to all week. "Carter!" I yell down to her. "Carter! Wait up!" I run faster down the stairs as I near her and I grab onto her arm spinning her around.

"I can take the bus. It's fine" she slips out of my grip and continues her way out the door only for me to block her and get her to look up at me.

"Will you just wait? I can take you? It's no problem-" she doesn't let me finish because she makes her way around me and leaves again. What is her problem? "Carter! Wait!... wait! What's up? Is there something wrong?" I place my hands on both of her shoulders stopping her from walking away from me, again.

"Nope, I'm fine. I'm going to miss the bus if I don't leave now. So if you don't mind" she's not even looking at me. She's looking behind me and everywhere else but me. Once again she goes to leave me but I intertwine my fingers with hers pulling her back to me. Her small body crashes into mine and I hold onto her. She feels so good. Her smell is like a drug to me.

"Carter, I'm taking you to get your car. End of story. I'm not arguing with you about this. I don't want to, but I will if I have to" I state matter of factly. Why won't she let me take her?

"No... I'm taking the bus Nick..... I think your girlfriend is looking for you... or is that your girlfriend?" She's sassy today. This is a side of her I haven't seen before. What is wrong with her? But I do turn around to see Maya standing with her friends eyeing us both up. I mentally curse at myself and I run back after Carter. Damn is she stubborn, but I deserved that dig she threw.

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