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Hey guys! Sorry it's been a while! I wanted to dedicate this chapter to Layah13 , you always post lovely comments and I enjoy reading them! So this one is for you!

Thanks you all for the support! Even with my other books! It doesn't go unnoticed!

Enjoy guys


Clicking my pen against my paper in thought about how we should approach this assignment. I'm so unsure about how reports are written in college. Research reports are the worst, and I haven't even written anything. I sit there mind numbingly click with my pen imitating the clock above us.

Kevin's hand suddenly rests on my own to stop me. I forgot people can hear me. Even through the walls.

We rented out a study room, so we could do this assignment together. Help each other. He seems to know the round about way to writing this ungodly report. But I cannot seem to motivate myself to write the damn thing. It's eating at me and I couldn't be less motivated even if I tried.

Time is slowly ticking by and I want to just leave. But the deadline is two days from now and I haven't done a single thing.

College problems.

"You going to keep staring at the blank page or are you going to start writing down some ideas?" Kevin teased me. His hand ran through his icy blonde locks with a playful pointed look. As soon as his eyes met mine his brows rode up to tell me he was waiting for a reply.

"I'm brain isn't working today" I sigh up at him and drop my head onto my arms that are resting on the cold wood. I groan at how tired I'm feeling. I sleep nearly twelve hours a night but always feel more tired than when I went to sleep. It's just a recent thing.

Its probably because I miss my family. My brothers were the last to leave me, they left this morning. I miss them so much. I hate being away from my family. It always bums me out when they leave.

"Are you Okay? You look a little drained" Kevin asks wearing a worried expression. I nod my head not lifting it up off my arms.

"I'm just tired. That's all. I probably need a nap or something?" I shrug my shoulders while I hear him chuckle beside me.

"Didn't you sleep for like twelve hours last night...? Maybe you're getting a cold or something?" He suggests and I groan praying it's not. I have the worst immune system. It always fails me, I never have the strength to fight off sickness on my own. I always end up in the doctors office with multiple prescriptions afterwards.

"Don't say that... I don't need that on my list right now" he rubs my back out of comfort and I shift my head to the side and see him smiling down at me.

"How about we just make a plan for today and do some research. We won't write up anything and we can do it all tomorrow morning before our class? It shouldn't take long to do..." I sigh and smile sitting back up and making myself comfortable. My head is not in a good way today for some reason.

We spent the next couple of hours planning out the report and writing notes to ourselves while researching, and let me tell you, the time did not fly by. Typing away on the computer getting some sort of momentum going. I finished the last part of the sentence on my last bullet point. I sat back and breathed a sigh of relief that I actually got something done today. The last few days I haven't been motivated to do anything other than lie in bed and read.

"Let's get you home. You look exhausted" I feel my eyes ride up to the top of my head while I stare at him. Do I really look that bad? "Crap! I didn't mean it like that! You look pretty today... I mean... shit... ugh... you just look like you... forget it... I'm digging my own grave right now" I laugh at him and his eyes widen in surprise at me. I lean back on the chair and try to cover my cackle while I feel my body shake. Once I finished I open my eyes to see his grin on his face. It's a mixture of confused and amused.

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