Turn Around

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"To fresh pussy" Caleb yells before we all down our shots. Feeling the whiskey trailing down the back of my throat I suck in a breath between my teeth. I shake my head and high five TJ. "To new chicks!" TJ whispers beside me making me laugh. I go to grab cold bottles of beer from the chiller in the kitchen. I feel a hand on my shoulder stroking it with the long nails trailing along the material of my shirt. I smile down at the glass bottles knowing who it is.

"Hey babe! Long time no see" I rise back up to my full height and turn over my shoulder to see Maya in a tight black leather mini dress. Boobs screaming out at me. Damn.

"Hey Maya, you look... good-" I snap the caps off the tops of the bottles hearing the hiss.

"Good? Just good?" Her hands trained lower down my abs getting close to the waistband of my boxers. Her red lips with a smirk make me want to take her right now. Her blonde hair wavy and her perfume is overpowering.

"You're right, you look hot tonight. This little dress for me?" I take her waist rubbing her butt cheek. The leather feels good in my hands. I take a sip of the beer in my hand letting my eyes roam around her figure. She always had a great body. It looks every better without clothes.

She's leans in closer to me allowing her breasts to push up on my chest. Her lips grazing my ear she whispers "Only for you Jackson" kissing the lower part of my ear. God I love it when a girl does that. My little buddy is already excited for the night ahead of me. I place my hand wholly on her ass allowing my fingers slide up her dress feeling her panties. Her wet panties.

She looks hot tonight, maybe I can pull two girls tonight? I've done five in one night before so it's not like I can't do it. Damn that night was wild.

"Nick? Hello...." her face is close to mine snapping me out of my daze.

"Yeah? Sorry what did you say?" I ask her, I usually don't listen to what Maya says anymore. It's usually about a relationship or a date. Something I'm not interested in. I'm not being tied down. To anyone, no matter how hot the girl is. Especially not during my college years. Football is my focus, when I'm finished with that I'll start to date. I doubt I'll settle with anyone though. I like the game too much. So much variety.

"I was thinking maybe we could go out to dinner next week? Like just the two of us?" I sigh to myself. Here we go again. Looking around to the masses of bodies around the kitchen. Some making out, some flirting and others fighting. I run my fingers across my jawline and exhale deeply. "Maya, you know I don't date. I need to stay focused on football. I'm on scholarship, I can't afford to slip or I'm off the team" trying everything in my power to make up the best excuse. I'm pretty sure this works when girls want to get serious with me. Majority of the time it comes with a slap.

"Nick you and I know that's not true. You're talented enough girlfriend or not. Give us a chance, you might like it?" I shake my head no making a deep frown etch onto her caked face. Three, two, one.

"Ugh! Nick! What is your problem committing? You make up the same excuse every time! Grow some balls and ask me out!" She storms off leaving me standing there with my legs in a V shape leaning against the counter behind me. Noticing I still have TJ's bottle in my hand I finish mine and start on his. I grab him another and meander through people to get to the couches where the guys are on surrounded by girls. As I approach them I get a few seductive 'Hi Nick's' thrown my way and I nod my head at them checking them out as I walk past them.

Not tonight.

I sink into the couch beside TJ and hand him the bottle. "What took you so long bro?" He asks taking a sip of the freshly opened beer I gave him. "Maya" is all I say for him to understand and leave it alone. He leans forward to stand up looking down at me he asks, "I'm going to look at the talent, you want to come?" I shake my head no and reply, "Maybe later. I want to sit and drink for a while first" he shrugs as comments, "Suit yourself, more for me" walking off back into the foyer I spot Maya and her possy gathered over at the wall opposite where me and the guys are sitting. Some sending me their best glares. I'm pretty sure I've slept with all of her friends. So I tip my bottle towards them acknowledging that they're staring at me.

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