What Type Of Girl Am I?

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"Carter honey, I've sent the dress I bought you, it should arrive soon? Maybe in the next day or so?" I furrow my brows thinking why she sent me a dress down here? Am I missing something? I stay silent thinking about what she's talking about.

"You forgot didn't you?" She asks me snapping me out of my thoughts. I immediately started to feel guilty because I did forget whatever it was.

"Forgot what?" I play it off like I know nothing. Maybe she forgot to tell me? Lets hope she forgot to tell me?

"Carter... I told you about the gala for your college. It's in less than two weeks.. sweetie, we're hosting the event. You have to attend, your brothers will be there too, your father wants you all on stage with him when he's making his speech"

Shit! I completely forgot about that. I groan at how forgetful I am and the fact I have to go to the stupid thing.

"I-I didn't forget, I just didn't remember it was so soon.... I thought it was later in the year?" I lied. I feel so bad for forgetting about it. Why do I have to go? Oh yeah, my dad is the top football coach in the country who went to this college. Cue the eye roll at myself.

"No sweetheart, it's next Friday at 6pm. Please don't be late. You know I will come get you and drag you to the event if you are! And I know you forgot honey" She starts to joke with me. I laugh but I know there is a serious element to it. She will hunt me down and drag me to the event. She's done it before. She most certainly will do it again.

"I won't be mom don't worry, I promise I'll be on time. And thanks for getting me a dress... what colour is it by the way?" I start to fold my clothes over and put them away into my dressers and wardrobe.

"Its mint green, your colour. You want to look pretty for all those college football players you'll see that night" I can practically see the smirk on her face down the line. I roll my eyes at my mother pimping me out for the guys who I'm sure won't even look my way. Even if I was naked.

I snort back at her and allow my wit to take over, "Mom, that will never happen. I could be in my birthday suit dancing on them and they still wouldn't pay attention to me. I'm not that girl people notice. Trust me. It's more evident since I've been here..." sorting my shirts by colour I pick them up and place them in a drawer and repeat the process until I have another pile.

"Honey, you're more beautiful than you think. But it doesn't harm to dress up nice for the event..." I roll my eyes once more sighing. I bite the inside of my cheek before I speak to her.

"You have to say that, you're my mom..." she starts to laugh but stops soon after. I know she's trying to coax me into being excited about it, but it won't happen. She knows how I feel about these things. I hate it. I'm usually set up with some rich guy or a sleazy football player that'll have his hands all of me because of my last name. They always want to make a good impression for my parents.

"Carter, you are beautiful. You're the product of me and your fa-"

"STOP! Mom oh my god! Just stop.... I don't need to hear that!" She's starts laughing her angelic laugh, that I've listened to growing up. That laugh, is what I miss. I miss my family so much. They're all too far away. I look around my room seeing the photos I've hung up on my walls. Lots of ones with me and my older brothers. It makes me feel like I'm at home or I'm with them.

"Sorry sweetie.... but it's true. Anywho, you better go to class now! I'll miss you and message me when your dress arrives so I know it's with you!" Hearing her clap through my speaker, I know she's in work planning for another event.

"Okay mom, I'll text you when it arrives. I got to go anyway. Bye! I love you!" I send her a kiss down the line and she sends me two.

"I love you too honey! Talk soon! Bye" the line goes dead and I see my screen go dark. I continue to fold my clothes and place them in drawers and hang some up for the next half hour before my class.

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