This Is How It Works

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Hitting my head against the cool side of the window when we went over the bump. My teeth clattered against one another as soon as the impact was made. We were on our way to the Jackson household. Haley was hungover and trying to be revived, Danielle had no sleep and neither did I. Thanks to her. The three of us were passed out in the back of the car with the two boys up front. Both of their attention was focused ahead. Nick was driving with a pair of sunglasses covering his eyes and a snapback on his head. He opened the window slightly and I could feel the dry heat slapping against my skin. I was sitting directly behind him.

I think I got three hours of sleep. Danielle was with that guy the entire night and I could hear every bit of their 'fun'. I can safely say I will never lay down with Danielle in her bed again. Ever. Nothing wrong with it or the guy, he was pretty good looking, but no way am I ever touching her bed.

I rub my head softly to comfort the sudden throbbing I'm feeling from hitting it.

"Sorry" Nick mumbles to me in the side mirror and I send him a quick smile to let him know it's no big deal. The car had silence around it with the hum of the engine mixed with voices from the radio. The two girls were fast asleep and TJ was listening to his music with one ear piece. His fingers strumming on the leather part before the window to the beat.

The more we drove the more nervous I was. I don't know why, but I was. I had never met Nick and Haley's parents before. My stomach feels heavy and the anticipation of being in their home has me on edge. I wonder what their mom is like? Nick has told me things about her, she seems like a no nonsense type of woman and their dad seems really laid back from what TJ told me.

Seeing car after car, house after house as we drove closer to the house. I watched people gather outside to chat to their neighbours while they gardened. Water spraying plants for nourishment.

Time ticked by and I feel the car slowing down as we reach a housing estate. Oh god, this is it! Beautiful rows of white wooden houses line the streets with gorgeous green grass surrounding the area. Two story houses with their flags hung proudly. Then I see an Ole Miss flag hanging beside one house I know it's theirs. The porch has three seats outside and a small sofa. Black wood against the white sofa is clean and crisp. Double doors of dark mahogany wood decorated with stained glass windows of roses in the centre of each door. A small window archway is above it. Parking in the driveway I see the door burst open and two bodies run out to greet us. Two little girls in princess outfits giggling as they run towards the car.

I shove Danielle and Haley awake and they groan at me, asking for five more minutes.

"We're here idiots" Nick says over his shoulder and slips off his belt reaching for the door. Opening while the two little girls run over to him. He smiles down and picks both of them up. Both resting in his arms they hug him and I feel myself melting at the sight. He's even hotter when he has kids around him. I don't know what it is, but when a gorgeous guy is playing and messing with kids it makes them look irresistible.

I push my door open and fall out with Danielle who yells at me for catching her off guard. I mumble a sheepish sorry back feeling me cheeks heat up. Two giggles beside me I gaze over at the two little princesses. One blonde the other red headed. The blonde girl is playing with Nicks snapback and hair. Seeing him smile at me I gulp down at the sight. Keep it together Carter.

"Ellie, I want you to meet someone. This is Carter, she lives with Haley in college. Carter this is my sister Ellie and her friend Abbie, say hi guys" they both wave and smile at me while Danielle crawls out of the car.

"Hi there, happy birthday to you both!" I wave shyly back at them and they laugh while burying their faces into the crook of Nicks neck. I see Ellie whisper something to Nick and he wears his handsome smile but it's much wider with his sister. So cute. He nods and faces me still smiling. It squeezes the breath out of my lungs because he looks so gorgeous when he smiles like that.

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