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We're driving along the streets to get to where Ryan made his plans for the date. We're making small talk while we make our way to wherever our destination is. He seems a really nice guy. Polite and sweet. I have no idea where he's taking me.

I hope he's not a weird serial killer that's going to chop me up somewhere remote. I would like a degree before any of that happens.

Carter chill. I mentally scold myself for that thought. You're being over dramatic now.

Once we stop, I see we're at a bowling alley. I smile at the thought of it, I haven't been to one since I was fifteen. He opens my door for me and holds out his hand allowing me to slip out of his truck. He chuckles before he speaks. I'm just looking up in awe remembering all the times I went to a bowling alley with my brothers.

"This alright?" He asks me.

"Yeah, no this is cool. I haven't been bowling in years" I grin seeing the double doors swinging back and forth with couples and families walking in and out. A big blue and pink sign above highlights the word 'Benny's Bowling' above me. I see young people run by the window every so often as we approach the entrance. Looks to be a group of them playing around with each other after a kids party.

We walk in together, him holding the door open for me. We head straight to the counter to get our shoes. The girl behind it flits her eyelash's at Ryan and I try not to giggle. What is with these guys and all of these girls? They look like they don't notice it half of the time. Probably because they're used to it.

"I hope you and your sister have a good time" she seduces. Sister? I don't look like him? I thought to myself. I start to eye Ryan's features to see what part of us look alike?

"Actually were on a date" he takes my hand and I hear the gasp leaving her mouth. Pulling me away to get to our lane we climb down the steps our feet sliding along the floor.

Ryan types in both our names and he turns around to smile at me. "You ready to get annihilated?" The smugness evident in his tone. I'm so nervous I actually nod stupidly to his question. I face palm myself when he starts laughing at me. "Hey, chill Carter, it's just me" I smile back a his kindness. He's trying to make me feel comfortable. I'm so out of place standing with him. It's probably just because I'm so nervous?

Half an hour into the game, he kept his promise in annihilating me. I knew athletes would be competitive but I didn't realise it was this bad. I wonder is Nick this competitive?

Stop that. You're on a date, you can't think about him.

I shake my head ridding the memory. I stand up because it's my turn. There's at least one hundred points in the difference between Ryan and I. I take the lightest ball and walk to the line throwing it as best I can. It's heading straight down the middle and towards the pins. Am I going to get my first strike of the night?

Please. Please. Please.
Just one. Oh god, just this once.

I cross my fingers while trying not to yell at the damn ball every time it threatens to swerve left of right. Everything seems to be in slow motion as I watch patiently for the ball to meet some standing pins.

Every single one of them falls down and I stand there in complete shock. I got a strike. I start jumping up and down and clapping like a seal out of water, practically an idiot. Once I spin around I see Ryan is smiling at me. Two thumbs up and I grin so hard at him.

"Nice one!" He compliments me and I sit back on the seat beside him.

"Thanks" I reply shyly back to him. I feel his eyes on me. So I turn back around to face him. I was right, he's still staring at me. I feel my cheeks flush from the attention. Why is he staring at me? Oh shit do I have something in my face?

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