Chocolate Cake

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Buzz. Buzz. Buzz. Buzz.

I groan from hearing that awful vibration against the wooden drawers to the left of my bed. Who the hell has the nerve to call me at this hour in the morning. I crawl over to grab it without opening my eyes. I swipe across and yell "WHAT!! What do you want?".

"Nicolas Aiden Jackson, you better lose that tone with me right now mister!" My eyes then snap open in pain, hearing my mother's hard voice. Oh fuck! Nick you idiot! I facepalm myself at being so rude to her. Why did I do that? I should've known better.

"Sorry mom, I just woke up and I'm really tired. I'm sorry, I love youuuuu!" I tease trying to get out of trouble and I hear her huff. I'm her favourite, she always gives in to me. Especially when I tell her how much I love her.

"Hmmhmm... you're exactly like your father you know that! I love you too sweetheart, but don't you ever speak to me like that ever again you here me?!" I know she has a pointed look etched onto her face. I know my mom all too well. Mixed with her southern accent, I can tell she most certainly was not happy with me initially.

"You got it mom! I promise I won't. To what do I owe this glorious call from you... at nine in the morning?" I check the time to emphasise that it's way too early for her to be calling me right now. I'm clearly not a morning person. Unlike her.

"Oh yeah... NICOLAS AIDEN JACKSON..." there she goes again with my full name. What is with everyone doing that recently? "Why on earth have you not told me you're dating someone! I'm really annoyed at you! Your aunt Rita called me last night telling me you brought her into the diner for food!" Oh fuck! I run my hand over my eyes feeling myself fully awake now. My mom hates not being in the loop. She's the gossip queen of our entire family, and I know my aunt is in on it too. They're both as bad as each other.

"Mom, I'm not dating anyone, we just went in for a bite to eat-"

"That's not what it looked like Nick!" I laugh at her thinking how would she know, she wasn't there and she speaks up again, "Nick this is not funny! How could you not tell me?" That's when I hear the shakiness in her voice and I sit up realising she's about to cry. I've really done it now. Why is this such a big deal?

"Mom, no, no, no! Please don't cry! Seriously mom it was nothing! I don't see her like that, she's Haley's roommate and I helped her out that day. Then we stalled into the diner for some breakfast. That's all it was, mom I promise you!" As soon as those word left my mouth I immediately regretted it. I do see her like that. I have only seen her like that. But I keep messing it up for myself. I have to tell my mom that so she doesn't pester Carter, that's the last thing I fucking need. I want to see what she's feeling towards me. I don't know if she's just a nervous person in general or if she's just like that around me. I want to figure this girl out. So badly.

I want her.

"Well, Rita says otherwise!" I roll my eyes at my gossiping aunt. They've always hounded me to get a girlfriend. Both of them on my case about it constantly.

"And what does aunt Rita say about it then?" I ask in a bored tone slumping myself back down into the covers. I know exactly what she has said to her. She told her that it looks like we're dating and that we like each other.

"She said that it reminded her of me and your father when we first started dating. That you both couldn't stop looking at each other..." my heart literally leaps into my mouth. That's what it looked like? Well shit! My mom is going to never leave this alone. I need to keep her and Carter away from each other. My mother can be the nosiest person you can ever meet. She'll question everything until she hears what she wants to hear.

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