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We all crashed in the same bed, mine, because it was the only one that was made yesterday. I don't mind. I like sleeping with people. Although I wanted to sleep alone, I felt better when they stayed with me. I listen to their light breathing around me. Danielle resting on her side with her arm draped over my chest. That's why I found it hard to breath in my sleep. I need to keep an eye on that. While Haley is facing Danielle's back who begged to be in the middle.

I know I've only know them barely a day, but I've a good feeling about these two girls. Something I've never felt with people I've met initially. I'm always wary about them finding out who I am. Or what my last name is. But I've a feeling these might not care all that much? Well I'm hoping they don't.

I kept thinking about last night when we came home, lying in bed and staring at the blank white ceiling. Allowing a movie to be played in my head of the events playback. I wake up and do the same thing like I did last night.

All I can think about is Haley's brother. Nick. Nick Jackson. Those green eyes. That blonde windswept hair. The tanned skin. When his skin touched mine. He was so gorgeous. But he has a girlfriend. An absolutely gorgeous girlfriend.

I need to step back from him. For two reasons. One, he plays football and will use me like the rest. Two, he's my roommates brother. And I'll throw in the third reason too, he would never think of me like that. He's too hot to like someone like me. I'm so weird and awkward and-

A knock at the door stops my train of thought. I perk up and hear it again. I slowly climb out of my bed and feel the coldness on my feet as I walk towards the door separating me and the person outside. I peek through the peep hole and see it's Nick and TJ. They knock once more making me jump and squeal a little. They definitely heard me. I have to answer now. But I'm in my brothers jersey with Steel written on the back of it and his number on the front. Austins number.

"Shit!" I whisper but there's no time to change out of it. I wrap my hand around the knob and open it up to see both of them lift their heads to look at me. Nick is in a baseball cap with TJ in a hoody. Both in jeans and a white shirt. I don't say anything but I just stare at them. It's hard not to. They're both so good looking.

Seeing Nick smile at me, it knocks the wind out of me. He knows it too. "Hi" he's stands up and uncrosses his arms that were over his chest.

"Hi" I reply shyly and swing the door open for them to come inside. They walk through the door and eye me up. I feel embarrassed under their gaze and I close the door over. "Haley's um, still sleeping in there.... I can wake her up if you'd like?" I ask lowly not making eye contact with either of them.

"I thought that was her room?" TJ asks out loud. I raise my head to see him pointing to the room she did choose.

"It is... but we all just slept in my bed. It was the only one that was made...." I fidget with my long sleeves on the jersey. Then I realise I'm only in panties underneath this jersey. No bra no nothing. Double shit! I mentally groan at myself at how stupid I'm being. I probably look so disgusting right now, and I've two of the hottest guys I've ever known standing right in front of me.

"You all slept together?" TJ repeats my words in a higher voice than he originally had. My eyes snap up to his to see the cheeky glint in his eyes.

"Not like that! We just fell asleep... I don't... I'm not into girls..." I stutter out loud making their smiles grow bigger, allowing my head to shake fanning my hair out. They're playing with me aren't they?

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