Alaska: Land Beyond Olympus

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Sorry I haven't updated in a long time, I had to wait for my new itouch to get here



I hate demigod dreams. In my dream I was in a dark cave in Alaska. There was just enough light to see that in one corner there was Leo chained up and unconscious and at the opposite end of the cage there was Khione in a beautiful blue and silver dress.

Khione was telling Leo (why was she talking to an unconscious person, I don't know) "Oh my little sweet how are your fire powers? Oh wait you can't use them, Leo, I'm very smart, I know you will unfreeze yourself if I froze you, so I'll just leaved you chained up, with no powers. MWAHAHAHAH!!!!!!"

Then I woke up. Kate told me it took us about 5 hours to get from Canada to Alaska. Kate had tears in her eyes and I could tell it was because of Leo. I made a split second decision to not tell Kate about my dream of Leo, it would only make her less focused, and she needs to be as alert as possible.

We got if the chariot and it looked like we where in Antarctica. There was no civilization for at least 5 miles. I turned to yell at Arion, but he was gone, luckily without the chariots.

We had to walk 5 miles and then we found a little cafe. We order about 60 hot chocolates because we where freezing like 100 muffins. Then all of a sudden a person came flying out of the sky and hit me, then my head hot the table and I blacked out.

When I woke I saw a person sitting next to me. It was Jason. A flood of questions were about to come out, bit Jason just said "Look Thalia sorry I fell on you and kinda gave you a concussion, but in my defense no one comes here except for me!" I just glared at him. "So your here, with no help from anyone alone? And you come here all the time, why?" I asked him.

"Umm" he said "I come here to be alone, without dad or anyone else, I just fly here and I only stay for like 2 hours tops!"

"Jason!!!!" I screamed at him. "BAD BOY!!! YOU NEED A TIME OUT WHILE WE ADULTS" I pointed to the other hunters "DISCUSS WHAT TO DO WITH IDIOTS!!!! GO TO THE CORNER, NOW!!!!!" Jason looked stunned and so he went to the corner.

"We need to take him" I said "he's a good fighter and I don't trust him to go back without him landing on someone else." No one argued. I guess after seeing me yell at Jason everyone was to scared too.

Then we set off, with Jason, to, "wait" I said "where are we going?"

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