Chapter 4

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Theo's POV

Filming went on, as it does when you shoot a movie, and finally we finished. By now it was time for premieres, and I realized how much I really liked Shai. Every interview would be with her, and I'd have to hide my feelings for her, and I honestly didn't know if I could.

I decided that the best thing to do would be honest, and just tell her how I feel. So, I arranged for her to meet me at the beach that evening to talk.

I arrived earlier than I told her to meet me, and I laid a blanket down next to a fire pit. I'd packed a dinner, Caesar salads and some champagne. Oh, and some fresh rolls I picked up on my way over. Soon, I heard someone coming behind me. I was hoping she wore a swimsuit, because I wanted to take her to the pool after, that I rented out just for the two of us.
She wore short jean shorts and a see through, mesh-like coral sweater. She did wear her swimsuit. It was fringe. Her hair looked gorgeous. It was short now, because she was filming TFIOS. She looked flawless.

Shai's POV

The first thing I noticed about Theo was how amazing he looked. He wore casual gray swim trunks, with a white button up over it, only buttoned half up. The picnic looked really... Romantic. And there were so many butterflies in my stomach.

"Hey gorgeous." He said with a smile, followed by a lip bite. I felt my face get hot as I sat down next to him.

"So, I was thinking, after we ate, I'd take you for a swim at this nice pool I rented out just for the two of us." He said, as he poured each of us a glass of champagne.
"Sounds perfect." I smiled.
We ate, and it was delicious. Then he put out the fire, packed all the stuff up, and escorted me to the pool. It was really romantic. The whole set up.

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