Chapter Eleven

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We touched down somewhere 2 and a half hours after we left the medical base. We must have changed timezones, because it was much lighter outside than I thought it would be. The pilot landed the jet gently on to the tarmac, and as soon as the silver doors opened raced out, backpack on my back and screen in hand.

As I stepped off the jet, my eyes widened in awe of the sight before me.

I was not on a tarmac on land.
I was on a large metal boat, or landing ship for planes. There were planes spread across the width of it, and in the centre a small building which I assume lead down below. Squadrons of uniformed men ran around the perimeter of the giantic boat thing in formation.

The metal door underneath my feet started to move, and I stepped quickly off it and onto the tarmack. The door closed behind me and I hugged the screen to my chest. I wandered out from the shade of the jet, and almost got knocked over by a troup of fine looking young men running in their uniforms.

"Better watch where you're going. Don't wanna get run over," a female voice said on my left. I turned, and a saw an incredibly attractive red haired woman, wearing black and beige, her arms behind her back.

"Agent Romanoff," she said, putting out her hand. I took ahold of it.

"Keight Walsh," I said firmly, more for my own benefit than hers. I knew she knew who I was.

"How are you feeling?" She asked politely, smiling. I studied her face before I spoke. Her mouth smiled, and it looked real, it looked happy, but her eyes didn't shine.

They do say the eyes are the window to the soul.

"I'm, slightly confused, slightly angry, slightly scared," I said honestly. I wanted to be as honest as I could, because I knew there were some things I could never be honest about.

"You're in safe hands with SHIELD, " Natasha said, and began walking away from me and towards another small jet scross the tarmac. I followed her quickly.

"This is really something" I said in awe.

"It's a bit different from art school, I assume" Natasha commented. I swung my head around and look at the boat from all angles.

"Yeah, just a bit," I muttered. I wanted desperately to take out my camera and snapshot as much of this metal magnificence as I possibly could, but I knew it would never be allowed. Grinning at me, Natasha lead me towards a jet, where two men stood talking. One had his back to me, but he was tall and broad, with blonde hair combed neatly to the side and a checkered shirt on that made his incredible muscles stand out. The other man was shorter, with brown-grey hair and big eyes. He looked almost hunched, and he had glasses perched on the end of his nose.

"Oh yeah. Hi. They told me you'd be coming," the shorter man said to the tall blonde one.

"Introduce yourself," Natasha said, pushing me forward slightly. I rounded past the blonde man and the short man noticed me.

"And you. Hi," he held out his hand. "I'm Dr Banner." I shook his hand firmly. The Hulk. Got it. I could have sworn he winced.

"Keight Walsh," I said, feeling the blonde man's gaze on me. I pulled away from Dr Banner and turned to the blonde man. I put out my hand. His bright blue eyes met my newly green ones as he shook my hand.

"Steve Rogers," he said firmly.

"Ah Captain America. Your stunning physique makes sense now," I said nodding. Rogers didn't smile, but looked at me, almost analysing me.

He turned to Banner.

"Word is you can find the cube," he said to Banner. Dr Banner's eyes shifted around nervously.

"Is that the only word on me?" He said, almost sarcastically.

"Only word I care about," Rogers replied, his huge arms crossed over his broad chest. I couldn't help but notice his handsomeness, something he seemed unaware of.

Banner nodded at the compliment.

"Must be strange for you, all of this," he said, gazing around at all the jets and men running around. Rogers swiveled his head and smiled slightly.

"Well, this is actually kind of familar," he noted. I shifted on my feet.

"Well, I for one find it very strange," I added, feeling somewhat left out.

"Never seen a big boat before?" Rogers said.

"I'm an art student. I don't get out much." Dr Banner chuckled. "Well, at least I used to be." My comment somewhat sobered the conversation. I saw Natasha walk up behind Rogers.

"Lady and gentlemen, you may wanna step inside in a minute. It's gonna get a little hard to breathe," she smirked.

The ground rumbled beneath my feet. Almost in unison, Banner, Rogers and I stepped forward closer to the edge of the boat. Water churned around the edge of the metal.

"Is this a submarine?" Rogers said out loud. Banner shook his head.

"Really? They want me in a submerged pressurized metal container?" We moved closer to the edge curiously. The ground continued to rumble as giant lift fans emerged from the churning water, and the boat, was now suddenly not a boat, but a helicarrier. Rogers looked down with awe written across his face. Banner smiled.

"Oh no. This is much worse."

Authors Note
So, Keight has meet 3 of the soon to be Avengers. Because of her character though, her and Steve clash a bit, which will make for interesting writing. Enjoy!

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