Chapter Fifteen

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We landed somewhere in the European mountains. It was dark, and raining, but I could make out the shapes of trees and rocks around us. I looked up at the mountains and spotted Loki leaning against the wet rock.

"I've got Loki, you get Stark," I said, starting to walk towards the mountain. Rogers hand wrapped around my arm.
"Even I couldn't beat Loki. What makes you think you can?" Rogers said over the rain. I was shivering, my long hair wet and dripping. I held up my other hand, and felt the power surge to it. It glowed greenish white in the darkness, lightning up my face.
"I think I'll be ok," I said, my eyes staring deep into his. Rogers just nodded, his eyes flickering to my hands before running off into the darkness. I turned around and began running towards the mountain, where Loki's figure was perched. As I got running, I realized I could run a lot faster than I ever could, faster than a normal human ever could. My clothes were soaked through in seconds, the wind howling around me.

In a matter of minutes I had reached the small slope where Loki sat. He turned to me before I could even speak.

"I hoped you'd come," he said smoothly. I stood, confused.
" I must say, I was suprised to see another Asgardian on Earth. If I'd known, I might have come to you earlier," he drawled.
"I, what? I'm not Asgardian. I'm human, just a little different," I said defensively. Loki stared at me, his glittering eyes raking over me.

"Ahhh," Loki breathed. "You don't know. How pitiful." I stepped back.
"I'm not Asgardian. It's not possible," I whispered into the wind. Loki stood up, his tall figure looking over me.
"Do you really believe that a pathetic human body would be able to contain the amount of power you possess?" He whispered, his body so close.

I realized in that moment that while Loki was dangerous in combat, his real weapons were his words. Already, his words were seeping into me.

"No," I whispered. I felt Loki's hand on my chin, pulling my face up to meet his. Below me I could hear Stark and the Thor, I assumed, battling it out.
"You have so much power. Imagine what worlds you could rule if you joined me. We would be unstoppable," his hand caressed my face, and I closed my eyes.

It was tempting, his soft words. I knew, deep down they were poison, meant to ensnare me and break me apart. I knew that he was evil, doing terrible things and planning more.

But maybe, if I let him believe I would join him, it would come in useful. I couldn't believe I was actually starting to care about this mission, but I realized suddenly that I needed to redeem myself for killing that man in New York. Maybe this was my way of doing it.

I opened my eyes and stared into his.
"No one can know," I whispered. He smiled that gorgeous, venomous smile.
"Make them believe your loyalty lies with them. Then we will rule," he said. I nodded, before pushing him hard to the ground. He grunted, and I held onto his collor with one hand, the other raised and glowing.

"Put the hammer down!" Rogers yelled from below us. I looked down. Rogers stood in front of Thor and Stark, shield raised.
"Um, yeah, no! Bad call! He loves his hammer," Stark said. Thor backhanded Stark and he flew into a tree with a thud.
"You want me to put the hammer down?" Thor yelled.

This was getting out of control. I raised my hand and without hesitation sent a blast of energy flying into the middle of their little group. The blast exploded on the ground, sending both Thor and Rogers  backwards. All three of them looked up at me in suprise. I held Loki close by his collar, his breath hot against my leg.

"Once your little testosterone war is over, can we get back to business?" I yelled down at them. Thor was looking at me the same way Loki had on the jet, and it made me uncomfortable.
"Wait that came from your body?" Stark exclaimed.
"Yes, Stark, from my body," I said rolling my eyes. He pointed to me and looked at Rogers.
"I like her a whole lot more now," he commented. Rogers sighed.
"Are we done here?"

I looked down at Loki, and he smiled menacingly at me.
"Remember, make them believe." I swallowed nervously. His smile was etched into my memory, his belief that I was his.

I would not let him win.

Authors Note
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