Chapter Twenty Six

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"Shut it down, Dr Selvig," Tony demanded from inside the suit.

"It's too late! It can't stop now! He wants to show us something! A new universe!" Selvig sounded delusional, and I could only guess it was similar to what I sounded like when I was under Loki's spell.

"Okay," Tony said, and the Ironman suit aimed it's hand at the inpenetrable blue barrier around the Tessaract. It was my own energy, and I knew no amount of Tony Stark firepower would break it down.

"Tony no!" I yelled, but he'd already sent his blast at the barrier.

There was an explosion of light, and a shock wave sent Selvig to the ground.

Unfortunately it also sent me flying.
Not to the ground, but off the edge of the Stark Tower completely.

Falling is an unusual feeling. The wind is harsh, but it feels like you're floating at the same time.

I didn't have time to feel the bliss of falling because I was screaming the whole way.

"HOLY SHIT!" I screamed, my arms flailing around in the air. I wasn't falling for long, because I felt metal arms lock around my waist and hoist me up. My chest still hurt like hell, and I struggled to breathe. Tony watched my laboured breaths as he flew me towards the Stark Tower.

"We need to get you somewhere safe," he said. I was taken aback by his kindness. It was a part of him I'd barely seen since meeting him.
But my heart hardened. This was my fight too. I was involved. Loki was right. I was a part of this now.

"No. I need to recharge," I said painfully. I patted my pocket of my suit.

"I've got cigarettes in here. Put me on the ground. You're gonna need me there," I said, my voice shaking.

"You sure that's a good move?" To the questioned, maneuvering away from the tower and towards the ground.

"No, but when those alien bastards hit the ground, I'll be the last person they see," I gritted my teeth. I couldn't tell what Tony thought about that because of the mask, but I knew he was reluctant to do what I asked. Nevertheless, he flew me down to the street, and to the suprise of the civilans set me down on a park bench next to a cafe.

"Stay safe," he said, before flying back up to the tower.

People were starting to stare at me, so I quickly lit a cigarette and puffed on it, trying to look confident while looking like a complete idiot. Children watched me, and concerned parents dragged them away.
Slowly, I could feel strength returning to my body. It wasn't a lot, but it was enough I could probably kill a few aliens before I conked out.

Just as I finished my cigarette, I heard a crash from above me and looked up to see Tony falling from a broken window in the tower. I stood up rapidly, ready to catch him when part of an Ironman suit flew from the window and assembled around him. I sighed with relief and watched.

He hovered in the air, and yelled something I could hear. Then he fired a blast at Loki who was standing on the balcony, and he fell on his butt.
I had to stop myself from punching the air with my fist.

My joy was short lived. Suddenly, a large blue beam of energy shot into the sky from the tower. The beam created a whirling vortex in the sky, and my muscles clenched. I knew what was coming. The sky opened up into a black void, and soon the people around me began to scream.

The Chitauri unleashed from the void, screeching their war cries as they reign down onto earth. I could only just stand, let alone run and fight but I knew my first priority was the people of New York.

"Rogers you seeing this?" I said into my earpiece. Tony was already firing blasts at the aliens, but there were too many of them.

"We're on our way," Rogers replied.

"I'm already on the ground. These things won't hesitate to kill. I'll try and get people into buildings and away from the fighting, but I don't know how much I can do," I pulled out my mask from my pocket and put it on. The mask somehow gave me more confidence.

"Do what you can," Rogers said, and with his voice in my head I began yelling at the crowds of screaming people.

"GET INTO THE BUILDINGS! DO NOT LEAVE!" I yelled, running, or trying to run across the streets. I repeated the words to everyone who would hear me. I managed to get the entire avenue clear, people crammed into buildings along the street. They watched me, wide eyed as I checked the street for any stragglers or idiots wanting to broadcast the event on social media.

Aliens were filling the city now, and I turned just in time to blast a hole in one as it jumped down at me from above in a flying alien chariot. Explosions sounded around me, and I had to dodge pieces of falling rubble from the blasts of the aliens. I made my way throughout the streets, calling out to people to get inside and stay there. Already, cops and firefighters were taking positions along the streets as cars blew up and rubble rained down on me.

I glanced up at the Stark Tower, and saw the mighty Thor land on the roof, confronting Loki who stood regally in all his glory. I growled, much to the shock of a cop near me and ran full steam at a group of Chitauri coming towards me. I could feel myself running lower and lower on energy by the second, but it didn't stop me when I blasted a football sized hole in the aliens chest.

I soon learned, however, that firing at the targets and actually hitting them were different things entirely.
Turns out, I was good at firing, but not so good at aiming. I barely hit any of the aliens I fired at, and had to resort to hand to hand combat in order to get them close enough that I could hit them.
Which took a lot more effort.

I heard a whirring sound and saw to my surprise a quin jet, on fire, rocketing towards me. I finished off the Chitauri that were nearest to me and watched as the jet crashed smoothly onto the street a few yards away. I guess I hadn't been listening to my earpiece otherwise I would have known they were here already.

I jogged over to the jet as fast as I could, just in time to see the ramp open and Rogers run out, followed closely by Natasha and a ruggedly handsome man with a bow in his hand. Rogers spotted me and halted, obviously unsure who's side I was on. The arrow man lifted his bow in defense, and Natasha had guns at the ready.

"You the real Keight?" Rogers asked cautiously. I nodded. Natasha had a hard look on her face.

"Yeah it's me."

"How can we be sure?" The arrow man said coldly.

"You must be Agent Barton. Hello, nice to meet you. We've both been mind controlled by a alien god. Wanna be friends?" I said sarcastically. Natasha chuckled, her face softening.

"That's the real Keight," she said. Rogers didn't change his expression, instead looked at me seriously.

"Are you up for this?" He asked. I was struggling to breathe, but I nodded anyway.

"Of course. Although, I'm not better good at actually hitting the goddamn things," I said.

"Yeah we saw," Barton said. I could tell he wasn't sure what to make of me.

Rogers nodded grimly.
"Then let's go kill some aliens."

Authors Note
My last update before Christmas, and my last one for a few weeks. I'm sorry, but we all need a break sometime! Comment your thoughts!

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