Part 5

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** Grace's POV and Thoughts **

Matthew grabbed my arm and pulled me away from Hayes so fast. What did he need? Couldn't he tell I was busy dancing with Hayes?!

Matt: "I overheard you talking to Hayes. You're Grace, right?"

Me: "That would be me."

Matt: "And is that girl over there your friend?"

Me: "That would be my best friend Sam. I bet before I told you her name you called her Bald Girl. Am I right?"

Matt: "Well..I.. I-I mean yeah..b-but only in my head."

Me: "Ha don't sweat it, everybody does. She doesn't mind. But now that you know her name, call her by it. And just so you know, Stage 3 Breast Cancer. 3 more years to live. Don't hurt her Matthew."

He looked like he just saw a ghost for the first time. His face turned all pale and he had a blank stare on his face. Am I that scary? Haha there's no way. Back to Hayes!

** Sam's POV and Thoughts **

I've come to a conclusion. Matthew Espinosa is freaking great. Ha wait I've always known that. Falling was fate though. He still doesn't know who I am, but now's my chance to change that. As of right now he probably calls me...

Matthew: "Samantha?"

Woah. No bald girl?

I turn around.

** Matt's POV and Thoughts **

Me: "Samantha?"

She turns around. Do I mention the cancer? Do I tell her how pretty she looks? Even without hair and boobs? It's true. I wouldn't lie. Whatever I say, it'll be wrong.

Sam: "H-hi, Matthew?"

Me: "Ha, um, yeah. Or the boy who saved your life 5 minutes ago."

Boy who saved your life..really Matt.

Sam: "Haha oh yes, I remember that. I owe you."

Me: "Consider it a favor."

Sam: "I will pay you back somehow."

Me: "You can pay me back by giving me your number."

Sam just stared at me. She was blushing. God she's adorable.

Me: "Too soon?"

Sam: "No not at all! I'm just confused as to why you want my number. I'm nothing special."

Me: "If you're talking about the fact that you have no hair or boobs, shut up right now."

Sam: "Harsh, but I'll stay quiet I guess."

She smiled at me...Her smile is perfect. Can I just mention that she just gave me her number too? THAT'S awesome. I didn't expect that to happen.

Me: "All I'm trying to say is not all guys are assholes. Some guys don't base a girl off the size of her butt, boobs, or stomach."

Sam: "It's also acne, and I've got enough of that."

She really didn't have acne so I don't fully understand what she was talking about. She was perfect. I don't care if she thinks she isn't, she is to me.

Me: "Stooooop. You do not, and if you did, it doesn't even matter. You are perfect to me okay? You might not be perfect to yourself or others, but you are to me."

Sam: "'re making me blush, oh my gosh haha. Nobody's ever made me feel this important before. Thank you."

Matt: "Anything for you."

I kissed her cheek. She smiled and stared into my eyes. Wow.

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