Part 15

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** Izzy's POV & Thoughts **

So Sam has a boyfriend now? And it's Matthew? Go babygirl. I miss my Sammipoo. I wonder how she's doing with all the hate from the magcon family. Maybe I should text Cameron and see how she is. I know they just got to their hotel room at Disney.

iMessage from Izzy: Hey Cameron, how have you been? I know you're with Sam for the next week and I was just wondering how she's doing dating Matt and dealing with all the hate. I bet you guys are keeping her distracted.

iMessage from Cameron: Hey Izzy I've been good, I really miss you!! Sam was not taking it well at first. Rumor has it she ran away from everybody at the airport and...harmed herself. Luckly Matt got in there to help her out. But now that she's with all of us, we've taken her phone and told her no social media for the week. Obviously she will have her phone back in like 10 minutes because who can go without a phone longer than that. cx You should book a flight and come spend the week with us! I bet she misses her sister figure.

iMessage from Izzy: Yeah that's a good idea! I will try to catch a flight later tonight. Don't tell Sam though!

iMessage from Cameron: I won't, promise. I might tell the guys though, it's been too long since Magcon Miami..Since we met you. It's nice you decided to come, it'll mean a lot to her. (:

iMessage from Izzy: Yeah, sounds good. See you tomorrow most likely. Night. (:

Cameron later replied telling me to have a good evening.

I started packing and figuring out my flight information and getting a room and all that fun drama.

You're probably wondering how Cameron and I met eachother. As he mentioned in a text, we met at Magcon Miami last year. I had VIP tickets for Grace, Sammi, and I. But Sam got super sick that day and couldn't come. For a while, everybody thought she was going to die. They couldn't figure out what was going on. I went to see her and she looked so sick, I started crying because I didn't want to loose her, not yet. She grabbed my hand as soon as I got to her bedside and she looked at me and said "Aren't you supposed to be at Magcon, Cameron lover?" I smiled and laughed. "Yes but I'm not going without my partner in crime." She looked at the window, "Izzy, you might not be my blood sister, but you are still the older sister I never had. I love you so much and I thank you so much for everything you do for me. Now go to Magcon. If my 19 year old "sister" can't go meet Cameron because of me, I might die! Don't let me stop you. Go get 'em tiger!!" Those were fighting words. I knew she was serious. I kissed her forehead and was on my way.

I met Cameron and all the guys at Magcon, but Cameron liked a lot. He put his number in my phone, he texted me every day, he facetimed me every other day. Then one day we just stopped talking. We both had become too busy to talk as much as we used to. It sucked but stuff happens.

Finally after two hours I had finished packing and was on my way to the airport. They had a flight out to Orlando at 8:47 pm. It was currently 7:21 pm. I didn't mind waiting, I was grateful I got that flight period. I wasn't expecting that at all. I went through baggage check and security. By the time I had done all that and gotten something small to eat, it was 8:34. I went over and waited for my flight to board. Once I got on, I fell asleep. I slept the whole ride, and finally after three hours of sleeping, we were there.

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