Part 12

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** Taylor's POV & Thoughts **

 Seeing Sam made me so happy. Matt gave me her number a while back. I'd text her every morning and tell her to have a good day. And every night before she went to bed, I made sure to say Goodnight, and ask her how her day was. I'm pretty positive Matt knows about it. I mean him and Sam only talk every single minute. I could never date Sam anyways. She's too sister-like.

I asked Matt if I could sit next to Sam on the bus to the hotel. He had no problem with it.

I asked her so many question. I really missed her. We also facetimed every Monday, Thursday, Saturday, and some Sundays. We were mad close.

Me: "So Matt's your boyfriend, ehh? That's awesome Sam!"

Sam: " hasn't been easy, but I'm beyond grateful to finally call him my boyfriend..Although the hate has really bumbed me out."

I just looked at her..I almost screamed. Why are people going to bully Sam...None of her knew her before what gives them the right to bring her down. She's perfect like smh.

Me: "Sam...that pisses me off so much. What are they saying? If you don't mind."

Sam: "No no, not at all."

Sam was about to tell me when Matt came over and sat on Sam's lap. She got up and let him sit down and then proceeded to sit on his lap. I'm so happy for her. She's in such good arms..

Me: "Continue? Oh, hey Matt."

Matt: "Aye bro, yeah ignore me. I just missed my princess. Continue!"

Sam: "These people, these people I've never met. They just HATE me. And I did nothing wrong. I know I just showed up out of nowhere, but they should have been expecting this. Not to be a bitch or anything, but Matt couldn't physically date every girl. He was going to have to make up his mind sooner or later. I mean..In all honesty, it's not bothering me that much anymore. You guys have all assured me that I'm truly beautiful, inside and out. Espically Matt. He's proven every negative comment wrong. Somebody will say "You're ugly" and Matt will sit there throwing out billions of reasons why i'm anything BUT ugly. Somebody will say "You're worthless" And Matt will kiss my forehead and tell me how he would die without me. And having you guys here has just made me that much happier. I just need positive vibes...Ya know?"

I wanted to punch something. Our fans mean the world to us...but I think it's beyond disrespectful when they do stuff like this. Sam has become part of the magcon family, along with Grace. Seeing them get throw down is like seeing our mom's and dad's and sibling's get thrown down. Especailly Sam because who know's how much longer she'll be around.

Me: "Sam you're beyond perfect..Don't let it get to you. They are all jealous because you have something they don't have."

Sam: "Yeah, Matt."

We all laughed. Matt wrapped his arms around Sam's waist and kissed her cheek. I need a girlfriend...

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