i'll play you something one day.

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Taking a deep breath, i walked towards the door. It had a dark aura radiating from it. I have to do this... he knew about her. He knew my secret. What if he- No. She will not get hurt. She is my responcibility now. She is mine. And only mine.

"Ben," said Slender from the other side of the door. "Close the door behind you when you come in. I'd prefer to keep this conversation private."

I walked in and sat down in one of the leather chairs he had sitting at his desk. He sighed and held his head in one of his hands.

"What were you thinking Ben?" He asked simpily.

"I love her Slender." I stated. "When i first saw her... i don't know. It was like there was this strange connection. I can't explain it. There was just something about her that made her special."

"That's no excuse for your actions. Do you see what's happening here Ben?! How many people have you killed since you met that thing-"

"SHUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH SLENDER!" I yelled. "She's a beautiful human being and i love her!"

"Benjamin Drowned!" He shouted. Immediatly, i backed off.

"Listen..." he said, trying to controll his anger. "I think you should stop seeing her. It's getting in the way of your sworn duties Ben."

"Slender, please!" I shouted pathetically. "I'll kill ten times the amount if you keep letting me see her! Please!"

"Ben... you have to understand this. You could lose your immortality AND your life, if you're not careful."

"Slender, i'm begging you." I said quietly. "I'll kill 10- no! 20 times the amount i do now. Just please... let me be with her. I've already had to leave her once in my past life... i don't want to leave her again."

He sighed and stared at his desk (lack of eyes he has) and tapped his long claw-like fingers on a dusty leather book. After what seemed like hours, he spoke.

"I'm trusting you Ben. I'm hoping to see 10% more kills from now on. Can you handle that?"

"Yes sir!" I shouted enthusiastically. "I won't fail you Slender. Thank you so much."

He nodded and i could tell that if he had a mouth, he would be smiling. I ran out of the office and through the hallway, to the stairs. Skipping every other step, i ran to my room. As soon as i opened the door, i catapulted into my computer screen. I fell into Cynthia's room and rolled. My head hit the bed with a loud thud and i groaned.

"Fuck!" I whisper shouted. I looked around the room. She wasn't in here. I heard a car pull into the driveway and i looked out the window. Cynthia was leaving a car, holding a black case. After about 2 minutes, she opened the door and nearly screamed. She realized it was me and smiled.

"You bastard" she said jokingly. "I nearly broke your neck with a trumpet case."

"Trumpet?" I said curiously. "I wanna hear."

She smiled and shook her head.

"Not tonight. Mom's already in bed."

"Aww." I said sadly. "Ok. I just want to hear you play it sometime."

"Sure. I'll play you something one day."

I walked up to her and kissed her nose. She smiled and wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling me closer. She kissed me softly and i put my hands on her waist. I broke the kiss and frowned.

"I have to tell you something. You won't like it."

"What?" She asked softly.

"I have to kill 10% more people in order to be with you... but if more work is what it means, then i think it's worth it."

She blushed slightly and i smiled. She was adorable. I kissed her again and stood infront of the computer.

"I have to go now..." i said sadly. "I don't want the others to find out. I don't want you in any danger."

"It's ok Ben." She said softly.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

And with that, i jumped back into the computer, to the caotic part of my life.

will you love this killer? (Ben drowned fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now