New Members

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             *Cynthia's POV*

"Cynthia, please come out and talk to us!" Masky yelled from outside the door. I had locked myself in my bedroom and refused to look at any of them. I didn't want to be around anyone right now. They all just seemed to piss me off.

I just sat there on my bed, holding Ben's hat in my hands. I woukd be able to see him right? They couldn't keep me away... Did they have a rule? Probably...

"Cynthia, just come on. We'll eat a great big cheesecake and cheer you up."

"i'm sorry Masky... I appreciate the thought, but... I'm just not in the mood."

I heard him sigh and walk down the stairs. It wasn't long until i jeard steps coming back upstairs.

"hey," it was Darren. "Masky gave me something to bring you."

I sighed and unlocked my door. He opened it and walked inside, handing me a plate with a peice of cheesecake. Masky was a sweetheart.

"Listen," Darren said gently. "i understand what-"

"No, you don't! Ben's gone and it's my fault!"

I haven't seen Darren very angry before... But he was pissed now.


His voice cracked at the end of his shouting. He avoided my gaze, as i saw a tear fall from his eye.

"Darren, i'm sorry..."

He began to sob. I didn't know what to do to help him... I've never saw him like this before. It actually worried me.

"she's g-gone..." He kept mumbling. His legs gave out and he was just sitting in the floor crying. I just sat down beside him and held him. What else was there to do? He was in pain... Guilt even.

"Come on Darren." I said, while helping him get up. "you need rest."

I helped him down the hallway and into his room. Since he just got here recently, there wasn't much inside. There was only a bed, a dresser, and a couple windows. I led him to the bed and left him there. He passed out as soon as he hit the matress. I walked out, closing the door behind me, and made my way downstairs. Masky and Hoodie jumped up as soon as they saw me.

"Hey!" Hoodie exclaimed. "we were worried!"

"i'm alright guys. But i appreciate the thought."

"are you sure you're ok?" Masky said causiously. "you're gripping onto that hat, like it's your lifeline."

I looked at the hat in my hand. It kind of was my life line...

"Everyone, i have spme news." Slender said. He just teleported into the room, scaring us all. "we have two new members in our household. First, we have Laughing Jack," he said as a monocrome clown walked through the door. "and then we have Mr. Widemouth." Mr. Widemouth looked very odd. He was a small little creature who had a huge smile. He looked like a bear sort of... He had fur.

"why who do we have here?~" Laughing Jack asked, as he smiled at me. "Who is this divine creature, hmm?"

I growled and he laughed. He pulled out something from his pocket.

"candy?" He asked. I shook my head and backed away towards Masky and Hoodie. Jack made a fake hurt expression. "oh well. More for me. It's my favorite."

Mr. Widemouth chuckled with him and Slender spoke.

"Cynthia, they're going to be using Ben's room until he returns. I want you to go and get all the things you want to keep."

I nodded and rushed upstairs to Ben's room. It was a little messy, but i found a few things. I grabbed a few of his shirts, because they were comfortable and they smelled like him. Also, i grabbed a few knives and swords. Finally, i found... A picture. It was the same picture he showed me... It was us in our past lives. I only realized now that i had left mine at the house. Of course i'm keeping this one.

I stepped out of the room and put all the things in mine. It wasn't long until i heard Jack and Mr.Widemouth move into their new room.

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