Bed time

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*Cynthia's POV*

It's been 10 months. I'm not 18 yet, but i will be in about two months. Ben and i decided that today was the day we picked up Simon. He already knew our plans and he was completely exstatic.

"Ben," i said while we walked through the forest. "Tell me the truth... will i be a good mom?"

He kissed my forehead and smiled softly. "I've saw the way you protect him. I've saw how you threatened Jack. I know you can do this."

I nodded and took a deep breath. We made our way through the forest and finally, through the run down streets that held the orphanage. When the doors opened, we saw Simon sitting patiently with a small suitcase with his few belongings. He looked up at us and smiled happily. We couldn't even say hi. He already ran over to us and hugged us. Both Ben and i smiled happily as we signed the papers for our son. He was officially ours. Our Simon.


Ben and I explained everything to Simon on the way back. He was confused at first. Then terrified. But after explaining to him that absolutly no harm would come to him, he calmed down. That didn't stop him from clutching my side protectivly though. 

"Guys!" I shouted as we walked through the door. "There's someone we want you to meet!"

One by one, everyone made their way into the living room and sat down. There were a few times where Simon looked out from behind me in curiousity. I couldn't blame him. Our family was weird, but it was the best one someone could ask for.

"Guys," I said softly. "this is Simon." I said, while gently pulling him to where they could see. They all waved at him and smiled. (from what i could see anyway. Slender didn't have a face and Hoodie, Masky, and Jack wore masks -_-) After the complete shock of what he was seeing, SImon finally smiled and waved back. We introduced him to everyone and gave him a short summary of what each of them really were. After that, we brought him up to his room. It's what used to be my room, but I slept in the same room as Ben now. Simon's eyes widened when he saw all the space he had.

"This is all mine??" He asked in disbelief. I nodded and he hugged us once more. We helped him get set up which didn't take long. Ben lefted for a quick kill, and that left Simon and I.

"Hey Mom?" he said quietly. He actually called me Mom... 

"Yeah Simon?"

"Will you sleep with me tonight? It's a little scary here, and Laughing Jack said that there was something in my closet."

"Of course I will. And lets just see what's in your closet." I said annoyed. Not at Simon, but at Jack. I opened the closet door and saw Mr. Wdiemouth with his tradmark grin. Except he wasn't smiling when he saw it was me.

"Listen, it wasn't my ide-"

"GET OUT OF MY SON'S CLOSET! GET!" I shouted, while pulling him by the ears.

"Ow! Ok! I'm go- Hey! Lemme go!" He shouted as i picked him up and through him out the window. I wasn't satisfied until I heard a yelp of pain from somewhere in the back yard. I turned back to Simon who was laughing.

"You're the best mom ever!" he said with a smile. i hugged him and kissed his forehead.

"And you're the best son. Now come on. Bed time."

He nodded and climbed into bed. I climbed in after him and wrapped my arm around him protectivly. He was my son and I wouldn't let anything or anyone hurt him.

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