Nora is a solid fangirl who managed to get her crush's cell number from her big brother (without him knowing). She texted him everyday, sending him encouraging messages and inspiring quotes from her favorite books and movies.
Arch, th...
Nora: "There are darknesses in life and there are lights, and you are one of the lights, the light of all lights." — Bram Stroker, Dracula
Arch: I don't glow
Nora: But you shine. 😏
Arch: Hahahahahahaha
Nora: Yay! I got you to laugh! ☺️ Feeling better?
Arch: Yeah I needed that Thanks 🙃
Read 08:17 AM
12:33 PM
Arch: Hey
Nora: What's up?
Arch: You were right
Nora: That you shine? 😂
Arch: Lol no I've heard more encouraging words today than all the times we won in the past combined
Nora: Told you. 🙂
Arch: You wanna hear the craziest part?
Nora: Sure.
Arch: I don't even hate Silvestre for winning They played with discipline and made a team effort Unlike us
Nora: I didn't wanna say anything, but... yeah. It seemed as if the team left the game to you and expected you to win on your own. Everybody noticed, actually. 😟
Arch: Lol at this point I doubt we'll win the championship this season
Nora: Hey, don't say that.
Arch: As long as nobody gets it to their head that we're a damn team it's a lost cause and I sure as hell am tired of reminding them that
Nora: This is why you got into a fight with a teammate a few weeks ago, isn't it? 😕
Arch: Yeah
Nora: Let this loss serve as a wake-up call to them, like it proved to you that every Soledarian got your back.
Arch: 😂 You know you could seriously be a motivational speaker or something
Nora: Ack, no way! Public speaking freaks me out.
Arch: Huh never pegged you for the shy type
Nora: Uh, why do you think I've only been texting you and never ever showing my face?
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Nora: Why are you calling?! OMG Don't! Stoppp!
Arch: Lol what was that Don't stop? Okay I won't
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Nora: I'm out in public and charging my phone so quit ittttt!