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You up yet?Chie:
Hahaha I didn't sleepAnsel:
Dude, we're gonna hikeChie:
I know huhuAnsel:
It's fine, you can sleep on the way thereChie:
Are you near?Ansel:
About 20 mins away
Just getting gasChie:
Okay let me know when you're hereAnsel:
AightRead 02:49 AM
03:15 AM
You're outside?Ansel:
I'm coming downAnsel:
Do you realize this is our first out of town road trip with just the two of us? HahahaChie:
Why do you think I couldn't sleep? 😂Ansel:
Too excited?Chie:
Why would I be? It's just you hahahaAnsel:
Ouch. Hahaha
You break my heart 💔Chie:
Isn't it already broken?
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It was
But then someone put the pieces back together without knowing it
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Roman pour AdolescentsSHOOKT 1.0 Nora is a solid fangirl who managed to get her crush's cell number from her big brother (without him knowing). She texted him everyday, sending him encouraging messages and inspiring quotes from her favorite books and movies. Arch, th...