Wanderland Music Fest, 08:33 PM
SLR! My friends got thirsty so we went to get some drinks.Fort:
It's coolSabrina:
What are your hobbies?Fort:
I love surfing up north when I have time.Sabrina:
Ooh, I tried surfing once!Fort:
How was it?Sabrina:
It was really fun! I'd do it again if I had the chance. Where do you surf?Fort:
La Union. Baler is good, too.Sabrina:
I looove Baler! That's where I surfed for the first time. It made me realize that I wanted to live in a coastal town.
Yeeeaahh. My dream is to open up a restaurant in a surf town someday. Just surf and beer all day.
Eat all day by the sea.
Swim in the afternoon.
Bonfires at night.
You can eat at my restaurant while I surf.
As long as you serve good food.Fort:
You bet your ass my joint is gonna have the best food in town!Sabrina:
Whatever you say.Fort:
I'll prove it to you.Sabrina:
Yeah, someday. HahaFort:
Hey, you never know. We might end up in the same place in the future. I'll prove it to you then.Sabrina:
Anyway, thanks for giving me your number earlier when you returned my phone.Sabrina:
Well, I mean you don't look like a psycho so...Fort:
Wow, thanks. I'll be sure to add that to the list of compliments you've given me tonight.
No prob. You want more?Fort:
Nah, my ego could only take so much for one night.Sabrina:
If you say so.

Genç KurguSHOOKT 1.0 Nora is a solid fangirl who managed to get her crush's cell number from her big brother (without him knowing). She texted him everyday, sending him encouraging messages and inspiring quotes from her favorite books and movies. Arch, th...