Nora is a solid fangirl who managed to get her crush's cell number from her big brother (without him knowing). She texted him everyday, sending him encouraging messages and inspiring quotes from her favorite books and movies.
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Fran: I'm abandoning fucking ship
Shannine: Omg, what happened?
Fran: Is Chie online?
Shannine: No, why?
Fran: I need to call her
Shannine: Fran, you're scaring me. What happened???
Fran: That bitch Vanna happened
Shannine: Did she do something???
Fran: Yeah and it was a fucking sight for sore eyes Can't even look Ansel
Shannine: Omg, I have a hunch on what went on but I'm too scared to ask in case it might be true.
Fran: Call me now
03:27 AM
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Fran: Call me ASAP
03:33 AM
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Samu: I'm pretty sure Fran already told you what went down but you need to talk to Ansel and let him explain. I know how closed off you can get, Chie. Hear Ansel's side first.