Nora is a solid fangirl who managed to get her crush's cell number from her big brother (without him knowing). She texted him everyday, sending him encouraging messages and inspiring quotes from her favorite books and movies.
Arch, th...
Nora: "The brave may not live forever, but the cautious do not live at all." – The Princess Diaries, 2001
Arch: Have a safe trip
Nora: Thanks! I'm so excited!
Arch: Lol it doesn't show How long will you be gone for?
Nora: Just a week. Planning to make the best out of it!
Arch: Send pictures
Nora: I'll post everything on instagram, since you already followed me there. Should I be honored? 😂
Arch: Lol nah It's just me
Nora: Uh-huh, let's pretend I'm convinced. Haha The only sad part about going to South Korea is that I won't be able to text you as much or maybe at all.
Arch: Getting clingy already? 😂
Nora: Nooo! That's not what I mean! 😳
Arch: What else would you mean? Lol it's cool I can wait
Nora: Wait for... me to come back?
Arch: Yep already did it once I can do it again
Nora: Someone's getting sweeter. 🙂
Arch: Must be you 'cause I'm macho as hell 💪🏼
Nora: 😂
Arch: What time's your flight?
Nora: In about an hour. We're still waiting at the lounge for our flights to be called.
Arch: So can you spare a few more minutes with me?
Nora: Of course.
Arch: Awesome 'cause I wanna hear your voice
Nora: Does that mean you're gonna call? WAIT! I'll just step away from the fam so they won't hear!
Arch: Lol aight
Nora: Okay, clear!
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