Nora is a solid fangirl who managed to get her crush's cell number from her big brother (without him knowing). She texted him everyday, sending him encouraging messages and inspiring quotes from her favorite books and movies.
Arch, th...
Nora: "Go ahead, make my day." — Sudden Impact, 1983
Arch: You already have 🤙🏼
Nora: Haha 😅 So um, sorry for not replying yesterday. I sort of died because of... Yeah. Anyway, it doesn't really matter anymore. I'm alive now. Throw a feast. 😂
Arch: Sure what do you like to eat?
Nora: Steak with mashed potatoes. 😍🤤
Arch: Lol they have that in the cafeteria
Nora: Yasss! 🙌🏼
Arch: We still on for Thor tomorrow night after the game?
Nora: Yep, like we talked about on the phone. I can't believe you got me to answer your call. 😒
Arch: Lol you like me too much not to answer
Nora: HA! You wish.
Arch: Yeah sure let's keep pretending I don't know you have a little crush on me 😏
Nora: Conceited much? 😂
Arch: Oh c'mon who would be patient enough to text someone every single day for weeks unless they have a thing for that person
Nora: Maybe I'm just an avid supporter of the team. 😛
Arch: Uh huh Why aren't you texting the whole team then?
Nora: I don't know all their numbers. Besides, you're the captain so texting you is like texting all of them.
Arch: Do you also pay attention to them a lot?
Nora: No...
Arch: So why do you only pay attention to me?
Nora: Because... you know... Oh, hey! They do serve steak and mashed potatoes in the cafeteria! Thanks for the tip! 😱
Arch: Lol changing the topic won't change what I think
Nora: 😒
Arch: Got you didn't I? 😂
Nora: Pft, no. I'm just dropping the subject because I'm about to stuff my face with good food. 😛
Arch: Go for it Oh and while you're at it
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