Wanderland Music Fest, 01:49 AM
Thank you so much for the ride!
Please text when you get home!
Sure, no prob.
Good night, Sab!02:17 AM
Good. I can sleep now.Fort:
You waited for me to get home?Sabrina:
Of course.Fort:
That's sweet
Don't forget to drink a lot of water before you sleepSabrina:
Yes, sir!
Thanks again for taking us home!Fort:
It's cool
You can make it up to me on our 2nd date.Sabrina:
Huh? We haven't even had our first!Fort:
Tonight counts as 1st to me
Unless you count those times in high schoolSabrina:
Thought I didn't recognize you, huh?Sabrina:
I didn't realize you noticed me back then.Fort:
Hard to miss the valedictorianSabrina:
Oh, yeah.
I remember you way more than that, tho
You were pretty popularSabrina:
No, I wasn't!Fort;
Uh, yeah you were. Everyone liked you, even the outcasts. You were nice to everybody.Sabrina:
How do you even know that?Fort:
I noticedSabrina:
I didn't realize you... noticed.Fort:
Maybe because you were too busy admiring Miguel. HahaSabrina:
Whaaat? No way! I didn't have a crush on Miguel!Fort:
If not him, then who?Sabrina:
Why would I tell you?Fort:
Because it's been years and it doesn't matter who you tell now. Unless...
You still have a crush on him?Sabrina:
Nice try, but I'm not taking that bait.Fort:
Damn. HahaSabrina:
Why are you so curious?Fort:
Why not?Sabrina:
Aren't you sleepy?Fort:
Nope, are you?Sabrina:
Not anymore.Fort:
Sorry. Is it my fault?Sabrina:
Definitely not.

Roman pour AdolescentsSHOOKT 1.0 Nora is a solid fangirl who managed to get her crush's cell number from her big brother (without him knowing). She texted him everyday, sending him encouraging messages and inspiring quotes from her favorite books and movies. Arch, th...