Nora is a solid fangirl who managed to get her crush's cell number from her big brother (without him knowing). She texted him everyday, sending him encouraging messages and inspiring quotes from her favorite books and movies.
Arch, th...
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Shannine: How come I only heard about what happened last Saturday now???
Chie: I didn't think it was a big deal tbh
Shannine: Fran???
Fran: I wasn't there Juan wouldn't let me go because the party was hosted by a frat
Shannine: How come Chie was there, then?
Chie: I was with my blockmates so it was pretty safe I mean it was a house party Nothing new
Shannine: And Ansel went there alone?
Chie: Yeah coz he was bored
Fran: Lol yeah ok
Chie: What? 😑
Shannine: I heard there was almost a brawl.
Chie: That's an exaggeration They just talked lol
Shannine: About what?
Chie: Now that I think about it, there wasn't really much talking. Ansel just walked up to them and said he's from... I can't remember. It was something latin
Fran: Secretum Ordo
Shannine: No waaaaay!!! 😱 He's a member???
Fran: Yeah Ansel and Samu Arch was supposed to join but he was too busy and couldn't commit
Shannine: Wow.
Chie: Whyyyyy?
Shannine: You haven't heard of the Ordo?
Chie: No, Ansel didn't say much. Only that it was a secret society from the 15th century or smth
Shannine: I've never met a member who boasted that they were part of that. Babe, my grandfather is a member. They're reeeeeaaally lowkey.
Fran: Ikr? The fact that he used that to save Chie from those entitled pricks is so sweet Ugh I would've paid big time to see him jealous
Chie: Nah he wasn't jealous He was just concerned coz of GN's reputation
Fran: Oh cmon Iggy was there and he already promised to keep an eye on you in case something goes wrong