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They're on the prowl, bro. 😂Ansel:
The girls. They saw someone who fits Chie's type.Ansel:
Damn, they work fast
I was gone for like 2 secsSamu:
Ditch the line. Juan'll buy the tequila for us. You go after the girls. They're quite tipsy already so not sure how things will play out.Ansel:
Geez, lightweights. HahahaSamu:
They downed the whole bottle in under an hour. It won't be long now before the full wave hits them.Ansel:
Which direction did they go?Samu:
Dance floor.Ansel:
Hahahahaha good luck.Read 01:10 AM
01:29 AM
Turns out, the dude they saw wasn't Chie's type. It was Shannine's. HahahaSamu:
Oh, yeah?Ansel:
Yo, let's switch. I'm getting bored over here.Ansel:
Just leave Juan there
The girls are starting to get rowdy
Won't leave the dance floorSamu:
Be right there.Read 01:34 AM
02:05 AM
Where you at, bro?Samu:
Near the restroom. Shannine keeps swearing at people to get in line properly. It's funny af.Ansel:
Would've loved to have seen that
I can't find Juan and Fran, thoSamu:
I think they already went back to the hotel.Ansel:
Already? Damn those twoSamu:
What's Chie doing?Ansel:
She's saying hi to everybody like she's fucking running a campaign WHILE pointing a camera right to their faces and asking for their names

Teen FictionSHOOKT 1.0 Nora is a solid fangirl who managed to get her crush's cell number from her big brother (without him knowing). She texted him everyday, sending him encouraging messages and inspiring quotes from her favorite books and movies. Arch, th...