Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. Vanna:
Please text me back.
I really need someone to talk to right now.09:37 PM
Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. Ansel:
Is Vanna in some kinda trouble?Samu:
Not that I know of. Why?Ansel:
She texted me and said she needed to talkSamu:
Damn, bro. What'd you say?Ansel:
Didn't open the messages
Just seen it thru the notifsSamu:
I heard her current boyfriend broke up with her.Ansel:
What's that got to do with me?Samu:
Beats me. Maybe she's lonely?Ansel:
Nah, she's not the type to get broken over a guy
Must be something elseRead 09:45 PM
10:02 PM
You gonna reply?Ansel:
Gotta know what her problem is
She sounds desperateSamu:
It's not your problem to fix, man.Ansel:
If something happens and I didn't do anything, I won't be able to dealSamu:
Just... don't break someone else's heart for someone who broke yours.Read 10:06 PM
11:49 PM
Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. Vanna:
Please Ans.
I don't know who else can help.Read 11:50 PM
11:58 PM
What do you need?Read 11:59 PM

Teen FictionSHOOKT 1.0 Nora is a solid fangirl who managed to get her crush's cell number from her big brother (without him knowing). She texted him everyday, sending him encouraging messages and inspiring quotes from her favorite books and movies. Arch, th...