Nora is a solid fangirl who managed to get her crush's cell number from her big brother (without him knowing). She texted him everyday, sending him encouraging messages and inspiring quotes from her favorite books and movies.
Arch, th...
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Ansel: I miss her so bad, man
Samu: HAHAHA this is karma for putting up an act for Vanna and telling her you have a 'plan' to make Chie miss you. Look who's missing who now.
Ansel: I didn't want her to blame herself for what happened between me and Chie so I told her that bullshit. She's got enough on her plate without worrying about me.
Samu: So what's the real plan, bro? What's stopping you from reaching out? Vanna's practically out of the picture.
Ansel: Hold up, I'm still gathering my balls. Chie's not just any other girl I can just smooth talk to, yenno
Samu: HAHAHA you're gonna give yourself a pep talk before you talk to her?
Ansel: Something like that
Samu: Whiiiiiiiipppppeeeedddd.
Ansel: Don't I know it
Samu: Better hurry up. I heard that dude from Gamma Nu's planning to ask her out.
Ansel: What the fuck Like hell he will Who is it? Is it that Rous douche?
Samu: HAHAHAHAHA Found your balls yet?
Read 02:28 AM
02:33 AM
Ansel: Well played
Samu: You did that to Arch before he got together with your sister, remember? Thought it might work for you, too.
Ansel: Back then, I just wanted him to get off his ass and do something. Can't believe I'm in the same situation rn.
Samu: Lele's a softie, though. Chie won't give in too easy. You really need to work for it.
Ansel: I know But did that ever stop me?
Samu: You're willing to put yourself into that trouble?
Ansel: It's not trouble if it's for her
Samu: Even if it meant you pleading on your knees?