Nora is a solid fangirl who managed to get her crush's cell number from her big brother (without him knowing). She texted him everyday, sending him encouraging messages and inspiring quotes from her favorite books and movies.
Arch, th...
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Nora: EW! WHO THE HECK WOULD EAT THIS?! Are you trying to kill me via text? 🤢
Arch: There she is
09:51 PM
10:17 PM
Nora: Are you gonna tell Ansel?
Arch: Nope
Nora: Why not?
Arch: It's none of his business Unless you want me to tell him?
Nora: Nooooo!
Arch: Thought so
Nora: Sorry, I got really, really... Ugh.
Read 10:24 PM
10:33 PM
Nora: Let's just say I was humiliated that I was upset over someone not even that relevant anymore.
Arch: Hey we're allowed to be upset Kinda wish I saw your ex tho
Nora: He's not worth it. He never was.
Arch: Still curious
Nora: I'm sorry I went AWOL on you for the past few days.
Arch: Felt like forever tbh Lol but who am I to complain? I didn't reply to your texts for like 2 months or smth
Nora: I guess I just wasn't ready to face you, especially now that you know who I am. It's like this whole other anonymous me totally lost my courage when you found out who I am. Then, before I had the chance to gather myself again, I got sick and before I knew it, I felt like it was too late to text you and I didn't know how to text first anymore. 😔
Arch: No worries It gave me time to stalk you Before you blocked me
Nora: !!!!!
Arch: Hey it's only fair Would appreciate it if you unblocked me btw
Nora: I guess...
Arch: So you'll unblock me on twitter na?
Nora: Um, let me delete some tweets first.
Arch: Lol why
Nora: Uh...
Arch: Are there tweets about me?
Nora: Hahahahahahahaha! No.
Arch: Yeah right Yenno you're just as cute as I expected Which is bad
Nora: Why is it bad?
Arch: It makes me want things more than I should Like do more than hang out with you
Nora: And how is that bad...?
Arch: I got my studies and basketball to think about I don't have time for anything else But you make me wish that I did
Nora: Ah...
Arch: I really like talking to you tho I can't stop even if I wanted to Lol I don't even want to I mean who else am I gonna talk about books and movies with? 😂
Nora: I get where you're coming from... Hey, I'm always just here if you wanna fanboy over Percy. 😂
Arch: Just Percy?
Nora: Okay, maybe even superheroes and Netflix shows. Speaking of Netflix shows, did you finally watch season 2 of Stranger Things?
Arch: Of course I finished watching it weeks ago Hopper is the man
Nora: Nah, STEVE is the MAN! He's really come a long way from season 1. But you know, even if he acted like a jerk back then, I always believed he would redeem himself eventually. And he did! And he keeps on redeeming himself until now. 😭❤️
Arch: Lol someone's got a crush But yeah he's pretty awesome Especially with Dustin I don't like what Nancy did with Byers There's no justifying what they did Cheating is cheating
Nora: I totally agree! And they say there's an undeniable 'connection' or 'chemistry' between Jancy? Uh, no. Jonathan will always be that dude who secretly took pictures of Nancy through the window. That's hella creepy! I don't get how people can ship them.
Arch: Same At least Eleven's back What do you think of the stand alone episode? I think it's kinda irrelevant
Nora: Hmm, I don't think it's irrelevant. It needs to be there to shape up Eleven's character. With what happened, or what didn't happen, Eleven was able to determine her role and know what really matters to her.
Arch: Good point 🤔
Arch: 353 days And Mike didn't give up on her
Nora: No, he didn't. ☺️ When you believe on someone enough, you can never give up on them. At least, not that easily. That's why I ship them so hard. They believe in each other. ❤️
Arch: Lol you're so mushy
Nora: You just ain't a shipper. 😝
Arch: Can I ship Steve and Dustin? They're a dope duo
Nora: No one's stopping you. 😂
Arch: Lol aight it's getting pretty late You need more rest Talk to you tomorrow?
Nora: Sure. Good night, Arch.
Arch: Night Nora
Nora: Sorry again for disappearing on you like that.
Arch: Don't worry about it I'm just glad we're talking again