Chapter Ten

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The Academy was beautiful. Lush Vines grew everywhere and no matter where you looked there was a view of the ocean. The island was far enough away from the mainland that no one on the mainland would know it existed, but was close enough to the mainland that internet, mobile connections and signals were still accessible. I looked around trying to find someone to talk to. Then I realised it. No one was around. The courtyard was empty. I looked at my watch, 11:13. The limo driver walked past me with my bags and headed in the direction of an office like building. I read the bold letters floating above the door, it read ‘Administration’. I followed after the driver and walked into a well air-conditioned white office with chairs formed in semi-circles on either side of the room and a large desk facing the entrance with a rather odd looking lady. She had light purple hair and blue framed sunglasses on. She looked up when the limo driver reached the desk and took her headphones out. The music was so loud that you could hear it blasting through the ear buds. After a moment of talking the driver turned to me indicating that I follow him.

We walked through a corridor and I looked at the labels on the doors.

‘Freeze’, ‘Wind’, ‘Earth’, ‘Telepathy’, ‘Water’… wait, there was no flame. I looked around trying to find a door for my type of power.

“I didn’t catch your name.” I state


“Oh, well, Alfred.” I said bobbing my head a little.


“Are these labels the different types of powers?” He nodded and kept walking, “There isn’t a fire one.” I carried on. He nodded again. “But that’s my power.”

“Yes, and you are the only one.”

I thought about Alfred’s comment, you are the only one. How could that be?

“Telepathy is the most common power, then wind, freeze, water and earth.”

“And fire is the least?”

“There is not fire. You shouldn’t exist.”

I stopped. I shouldn’t exist? what did he mean.

“But I’m alive.” I said back to him trying to control my mixed emotions of confusion, anger and sadness.

“Yes, but you shouldn’t be.” He repeated. “It’s not natural.”

“Not natural! We are walking down a corridor of a school for people that can generate snowballs out of their hands! Don’t tell me I’m not natural! I’m as natural as it gets!” I shouted.

Doors opened around us and heads popped out.

“Sorry…” I said sheepishly.

The heads popped back in except one. A girl. She had extremely light hair and ice blue eyes. I read the label. ‘Freeze’. Of course, makes sense of her appearance. We stared at each other for a while and then I turned away awkwardly. I could see her slide back into the room slowly in the reflection on the other doors.

“Who was that?” I asked remembering her hypnotic blue eyes.

“That was Belle.”

As we reached the dormitories Alfred placed the bags down in front of a room and handed me a key.

“Your room sir.” Alfred said stepping back a couple of feet respectfully.

“Thank you Alfred.” I said giving him a smile and unlocked the door. I took a step in and turned on the lights. A large room with protective covers over luxurious furniture became visible. I looked back out at Alfred to make sure he had brought me to the right room. He nodded and I want back in. I jumped on the queen sized bed landing comfortably on my back. I could get used to this I thought. I looked over at the door and saw Alfred standing there awkwardly holding my bags.

“Permission to enter sir?”

“What? Oh uh… granted I guess.” What was that about?

He entered quietly placed my bags down and turned to leave.

“What was that about?” I asked.

“What sir?”

“That! A moment ago you were telling me that I shouldn’t exist and now you are acting like my butler!”

“I must as I am now your personal butler.”

“What! Why‽”

“All students are required to have a personal butler.”

“Well you’re dismissed or whatever it is, I don’t need one.”

“I’m sorry but it’s like a shimigami and your power is a deathnote.”

“Wait… you watch deathnote?”

“Yes sir.”

“You’re awesome! What else do you like?”

“I do not understand how this is relevant to your time here sir.”

“Because we can talk about our interests during the time that we are together.”

“But I am not permitted to speak informally to my master, sir.”

“But you have to do what I say.”

“Yes sire.”

“Then tell me your interests.”

“What interests master?”

“Like music, games, movies. Stuff like that.”

“I enjoy listening to bands such as Metallica and Disturbed. I enjoy playing games such as Assassins Creed, Infamous and Titan fall. I enjoy watching Forrest Gump, Batman and Kill Bill.”

I stared at Alfred. He had to be the most awesome butler ever.

“Alfred, you have to be the most awesome butler ever.”

He smiled and left the room. Being by myself allowed me to see the room properly. There was a large bedroom with a queen sized bed covered in white silk sheets. There were multiple pillows piled in a neat bunch at the head of the bed. A chest of draws sat at the end of the bed and a door led into the en suit. A porcelain tub sat in the middle of the room with a luxurious sink and toilet with soft toilet paper. A wall separated the hidden shower from the rest of the bathroom. The living room had two velvet covered couches facing each other and a large flat screen facing them. There was no kitchen but a small laundry in which to wash clothes. I couldn’t believe it. How much did mum have to pay for me to come here?

As I was thinking of Emily and home I heard a timid knock at the door.

“Permission to enter sir?”

“Granted Alfred.” I sighed. Did he have to ask that every time? He walked in slowly holding a pillow with one hand which had a letter on it. Wow, this place is so formal.

“Master Coalman.” He said as he bent into a bow position holding the letter out to me.

“Thank you Alfred.” I said kindly before taking the letter and then opening it.

You, Ashley Purdy Coalman, are to begin classes with the telepathy students as there is no other student with your abilities.

Sincerely, Frederic Lawson’

I assumed that was the principal as the signature was lazily scribbled onto the page as though he had been signing letters without reading them and it was the fifty-second that day.

“You begin tomorrow Master Coalman.”

“Okay… um what are the people like?” I asked nervously.

“I don’t understand the purpose behind this query Master Coalman”

“Well, I’m new and the people already know each other and I don’t know if I can make friends …” I trailed off.

“I’m sure you will be fine Master Coalman. The people here are very nice.” And with that, Alfred was gone.

I lied back on my bed looking up at the ceiling as my eyes began to grow heavy, I drifted off to sleep.


Alfred! Heehee, sorry. I couldn't help myself!

- chookyj

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