Chapter Sixteen

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I got to school and ran straight to the group. I could feel my heart pumping loudly and quickly. I don't know why I'm so nervous but I am.



We collided in a big hug. I liked our level of lovey-doveyness. It was good. Not too lovey-dovey that it makes people want to barf at our public signs of affection, but lovey-dovey enough that we're cute.

I blushed when I realised the position I was in. My head was directly in  Emily's boobs. I stood up straight and took a large step back, my hands out in front of me.

"I'm sorry!!!"

"It's fine." Emily laughed, pulling me back into the hug.

"That's enough you two! The anti-cupid is coming." Alex said, walking towards us.

Sure enough, Claus come out of his locker room.

"Oh, hey. You're back!"

I nodded.

"Elloise was looking for you all holidays. It was so annoying! She called everyone of us, every day... TWICE!!" Claus threw his hands in the air in frustration.


"Oh no." I breathed.

I turned around slowly to see Elloise running... No, charging, towards me, arms spread out prepared for a hug.

"Eeeeek!" I tried to run away but she jumped on top of me, causing us both to fall over.

"I missed you." She clrawled off my back, giving me some much needed air.

I tried to brush off the ick of the contact our bodies' just experienced but failed miserably.

"Where did you even go?"

I took a deep breath in but before I could think of a lie, she interupted me.

"Doesn't matter. You're back now." Elloise tried to give me another hug but Emily stood in front of me, protecting me from the 24 carot plonker.

"Excuse me?" Elloise did a dumb hand flick to show her frustration.

"I would rather you not touch my boyfriend."

"Your boyfriend? ASH! What is the meaning of this?!!!"

I shrugged, really happy that Emily stopped Elloise.

"But, but, but..."

"But, but? Butt out!"

Elloise threw her hand sin the air. "My father will hear about this!" and stormed off.

I couldn't contain my laughter and burst into a hiccuping rage of snorts.

"Awww! Ash. Your laugh is so cute." Emily cooed.

I felt my face flush red and freaked. "Shit, shit, shit! No, no, not here. Anywhere but here." I tried to cool myself down but it just got worse.

"Are you blushing?" Emily raised an eyebrow and I sighed a sigh of relief. I hadn't lost control of my power.

"Hahaha..." I rubbed the back of my head embarrassingly.

Emily wrapped me in another hug, crushing my ribs.

"Oh! Emily! I just remembered!" I jumped out of her arms, to her dissapointment. "Let's go on a date!"


"Now!" I realised that it was still the start of the day. "After school!"

"Hahaha, okay. If you want."

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