Chapter Eighteen

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You may or may not want to go back, but Olly is gone to the academy. (@WheresWolly 's request)

Listen to 'Breathless' by Asking Alexandria when you read this ^.^

It will be hard to explain exactly what is happening to Ash from his POV due to him not actually being able to see himself sooooo... I'm gonna explain it in Emily's POV and then switch back. :)

[Emily's POV]

"Get the fuck away from me!!!" Ash screamed, fire literally shooting from his mouth. There were a number of screams from around us as people doged the fire ball. His head fell back as he panted like he had just run a thousand k marathon. His hair began to change from it's normal bluey-black to a bright red until it flew around his head shooting sparks. Ash's eyes began to loose his pupils and soon he just had a white eye until it began to turn orange and ultimately set fire. Now there was fire coming from his eyes, mouth and hair.

"Ash?" I cautiously walked towards him.

"Go away Emily. I don't want to hurt you."

"Ash? You haven't hurt me."

"No! Emily get back!" He waved his hands which caused little fire balls to shoot from his fingertips. He pulled his hand into his chest and began to cry. The tears turned into steam immediately and swirled in little patterns. Ash started to shake his head as if to remove thoughts and began mumbling to himself.

"No! Stop!" He yelled. His body looked as if there were ropes attatched to his limbs and they had just been pulled as his body lifted off the ground, causing burn marks to be visible on the grass that he was previously sitting on. His body began to smoke until he was engulfed in flames. I backed away slowly attempting to run until a felt an instant of pain hit me. I looked down to see fire flickering around me. The heat engulfed me and I felt my skin beginning to burn. I cried out in pain as I fell to the ground. Other people around me were running around or rolling on the floor trying to put themselves out. There were a couple of flaming corpses around and charred bodies lying on the floor. The whole scene made me feel sick. I looked up at Ash with my last stength to see him beginning to rise in the air.

"Ash..." I reached a black and red hand out towards him as my sight started to fade. I fell back on the grass. The last thing I heard were screams of school students and teaches and the smell of burning flesh. The surroundings that were lit by flames soon faded to black. "Ash... I... Love... You."

[Ash's POV]

"Ash?" Emily began to walk towards me.

"No. I can't hurt her."    "Go away Emily. I don't want to hurt you."

"Ash? You haven't hurt me."

"No! Emily get back!" I waved my hand to try to tell her to leave but little fire balls to shot from my fingertips. I pulled his hand into his chest and began to cry. "No. Emily I'm sorry. Leave me. RUN!!" The tears turned into steam immediately and swirled in little patterns.

"This is all your fault Ash." the voice rang through my head in a mocking tone almost.

"No! It's not! It's the power!"

"No. You did this."

 I shook my head trying to get rid of the voice.

"It's all. Your. Fault."

"No! Stop!"

I felt my body jerk up into the sky. Suddenly my body was wrapped in flames. It felt... Good.

"Ash. You're enjoying this, aren't you. You like this. People screaming because of you. You enjoy it."

"Stop! You know nothing!"

"Oh really."

"Get out, get out!!" The voice stopped and I looked at my surroundings. Emily was laying on the ground not moving. "Emily." I reached out towards her. Horror, sadness, guilt (oh and did I mention complete and utter SADNESS) washed over me in a soul-crushing wave. "NOOOO!"

Fire shoots from my body as I feel myself cry. Emily, my love, was dead, because of me. No. Because of my power. Maybe I should just give in, it can't get any worse. I closed my eyes, ready to give in when I feel a sudden pang of pain hit my head. "What? Is this?" I look down to see people putting out the fire. My fire. I shoot fire at them, causing them to be engulfed in flames. My vision began to blurr as the buildings around me molded into one. "What's...?" Everything turned black.


I open my eyes. All I can hear is the sounds of suffering and all I can smell is burning flesh. Smoke fills the sky. Everything is destroyed. My eyes burn. I begin to realise that I have lost control. I have lost the battle. The battle with myself for control over my power. I have destroyed everything I care about. And when I believe that I am alone. I hear the voice.

"This is all you. You did this."

"I... Did. This?"

"We. Did this."

"What do you mean we?"

"You gave in." The voice hissed. The creature from before molded out of me to float in front of me.

"No. I couldn't have."

"Oh, but you did. It was briliant."

"No, no, no, no."

"You know what the best part was?"

I looked up at... Well... Me.

"When we burnt Elloise and her rich daddy's city."


"The whole thing."

I looked around me to see all of Perth engulfed in either flames, smoke or ash.

"Bet it felt good, didn't it."

I felt hot tears leave my eyes.

"Knew it. But don't be too hard on yourself. You tried your hardest. You just didn't know how to control it."

"Why are you being nice to me?" I sobbed.

"Nice? No, no, no. I'm comforting you."


"Well. You did just murder most of the Perth population and destroyed majority of the buildings. Soon enough the principal of the Academy will come to get you, and when that happens..."

"What? What!"

"You'll be... Exterminated."


"Yup. I'm only being 'nice' to you because we are one and the same person. If you are exterminated, then so am I."

"Then. There is only one thing I must do."

"Wait... What? Don't do anything stupid."

"I can't help it. I'm all about stupid."


So guys. What did you think of the last chapter? AWWWWW Boo hoo. Last chapter. well...... if enough people request it I might make a sequel BUT it will not happen for a while because I have to write the rest of my stories.


Sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes.

Goodbye, my beautiful dolls

- chookyj

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