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Writing is hard hahahaha oh well back to the story!!

Michael's POV

JESUS FINALLY we landed safe and sound. As we walk out of the plane I kiss the ground beneath my feet, well I hugged the ground. "Where the fuck are Cal and Luke?" Ashton complains, "probably hooking up in the bathroom" I joke "c'mon let's go to the car they can meet us whenever they decide to."

Calum's POV

"Excuse me sir, your flight has landed." I heard a stern voice. I rubbed my eyes to see the flight attendant tapping her foot. Luke fell asleep too haha of course. "So sorry ma'am we will be right out!" She walked away and rolled her eyes, lol bitch. "Lukey, wake up!.......LUKE WAKE UP!" I shouted after I got no reaponse. "Wuh what is happening where are we?" "We are in LA silly, by the way thanks alot for waking me up when we've landed" I gave him a wink. He stared at me for quite a long second and I felt kinda awkward "So when you're done admiring my beauty we should get a move on" Luke turns and shakes his head "haha yeah sorry man I'm so sleepy"

We head off the plane and get into the car with an already waiting Michael and a pissed off Ash. "It's about fucking time guys, what were you doing!? Hitting on the flight attendant I'm guessing" he says with a smug look. "We both fell asleep and that NO we were not flirting with that bitch of an attendant SO HA HA." Ashton smiled and shook his head. Luke had been quiet the whole drive to the hotel. I wonder what was up with him?

We arrive at the hotel, get our bags up to our rooms and all. We all switch off who pairs in 2 rooms but me and Luke usually just end up in the same room somehow. I find my room and sit down on the bed and go on Twitter. "Heyyy roomy" it's Luke, and those few words coming from him make me feel happy inside. "What's crack-a-lackin babe" he smiles and jumps in the bed I'm on. "It's so cold in here turn on the heat or something!" he shivers under the covers aww so cute. "You want some heat?" I slowly take of my shirt in a jokingly seducing way and swing it around my head. Luke is cracking up, it makes me happy that I can make him so happy.

Ashton and Michael walk in on me swinging my shirt. "damnit Cal you started a little show with out us here?" Michael says sarcastically. Luke, still laughing manages to say "back off Michael he's mine" he pulls me into the bed next to him and puts his arm around me like he owns me, can't say I don't love it! "Well then it's lunch time here so let's go get some food. Meet us at Rus in 5" Ashton says. Rus is our new tour buses name. RIP Gus the bus, he was just getting a little too old for the job, so now we have Rus the bus. I quick put on my shirt, well I guess it is technically Lukes shirt, back on. I turn around to see Luke with only his briefs on "take a picture Cal it will last longer! Just kidding please don't take a picture of me in my underwear." God he's so awkward haha. He changes in to more comfortable pants and we leave to eat.

Luke's POV

We ate at Chick fil a, my favvvv. We went to some mall and shopped then we saw the Lego Movie. It was pretty fucking awesome of you ask me. But we just got back to the hotel and I'm on Twitter following some fans, Ashton's next to me tweeting on the band account about the movie he tweets "EVERYTHING IS AWESOME! EVERYTHING IS COOL WHEN YOURE PART OF A TEAM" haha oh god RT. Cal is in showering and Michael randomly says "guys let's do a surprise twitcam!" "Yeahhhh why not! we gotta wait for Calum to be done though" I say. "Aw you're such a considerate boyfriend" Ashton says, I giggled it was just a joke it's not like me and Calum would EVER really be THAT. We are just really good friends! Just a bromance is all.

We are all sat infront of the coffee table on the couch. Michael sets up the twitcam and we all tweet out to the fans letting them know about the surprise. The number of viewers keeps rising so we decide to start. "HEY GUYS WOOHOO TWITCAM you weren't ready for this huh?!" god Michael loves unexpected twitcams. "helloooo world" Calums such a cutie. I think Ashton noticed me zoned out and said "and this is Lucas Hemmings, he likes long walks on the beach and love poems, ladies hit him up!" we all laughed and I was kinda embarrassed, I do actually love love poems it's kind of like lyrics to songs you haven't made the actual music to yet, so meaningful. "and my name's Calum and I also like long walks on the beach!" Calum almost shouted "ding ding ding! we have a match! Ladies and gentlemeni CAKE" Michael announces as if we are on a game show. Me and Calum look at eachother and pretend to kiss even though we both know its just fun and games. We get about 1 inch away from kissing and we pull back and laugh. I could feel his soft breath on my lips, it was warm and weird? but nice? I don't know why, maybe we are just so close it feels okay haha I don't know. We talk to the fans a little longer until it's 11:00pm. "Well guys it's bed time for us! we love you all so much goodnight!" Ashton says and we all chime in mumbling "goodbye!" and "love you guys!" Michael shuts his laptop.

"Well g'night lads see ya in the morning!" "goodnight michael" Calum says in a girly voice. Ashton and Michael leave to their room and now it' just me and Cal. "Which bed would you like?" I ask Calum. "whichever one you don't want" he says in such a sincear way "aw look at you being so sweet, I'll just take this one" I say. "Sounds grrrrreat!" we both lay down and he turns off the light. "goodnight Lukey Pukey" haha "goodnight Cally Wally" I couldn't think of anything better. "Wow Cally Wally, remind me never to get in a brawl with you! You might call me something even worse than Cally Wally!" he's acting so sarcastic "hah shut up. Now go to sleep!" "ok MOM" He says and I hear him adjust in the bed. I smile and slowly drift off to sleep.

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