Secrets Revealed?

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HOLY MOLY. Almost 7,000 reads and a little over 500 vote what what what. and 120 comments this is crazy ILY ALL!!!! Here's another chapter :)

Luke's POV

We have a show tonight and the place is HUGE! I always get a little stressed and anxious when we play in really big places or really small places. Medium places are just fine but anything other than that is scary. Calum and I were doing some exercises to get us pumped up when Ash and Mikey walked in. They stopped talking to eachother right when they saw me. WTF GUYS. why are they keepin secrets THAT'S NOT HOW FRIENDSHIP WORKS! My thoughts were stopped by a sudden feeling of butterflies in my stomach. We were on in 5 minutes. "Breath Lucas breath in and out. you're okay" I whispered to myself. Ashton patted me on the back and said "Relax. These people want a show and we are going to give them the best damn show they'll ever see." That didn't really help. "Come here" I hear a soft voice. Calum. I turned around and he hugged me and whispered in my ear. "You are so talented and great and that's the reason you are here right now. One Direction could have chosen anyone but they chose us, US! Luke we are a team and we fucking rock. Luke, I-" Calum was cut off by Michael blasting Nickelback. "MICHAEL TURN IT DOWN!" Ashton shouted and gave Michael a weird look. Michael then looked at me and Calum and then nodded at Ashton. What is wrong with them?

The show just ended and I got used to that stage pretty quick. Calum's little speach to me made me less tense. He shouted to the crowd as we walked out "HELLO EVERYONE WE ARE THE LUKE HEMMINGS BAND" and the crowd roared. It made me feel important. He knows how to do that. At one point we were performing Don't Stop and I accidently forgot my words because I was to busy thinking about what Cal was about to say before Michael blasted the music. I left about a third of the way through 1D's big performance because I developed a headache. I was chilling in the back of the tour bus watching Narnia when Ashton walked in. He stared at me and smiled "Can I join you?" I smiled and nodded. He sat on the other side of the couch and turned to me. "okay so I'm just going to get straight to the point. Do you like Calum? Like LIKE like you know LIKE?" I sat there and stared at him with a blank expression. "no? I'm not gay" I said and quickly turned back to the movie. "Man, I know. You do. At first I thought it was just a bromance but dude, you guys are just" he started making weird hand signs like a heart but clicking together. Is e saying me and Calum click? "do you really think that" I asked while looking back at the movie. "This is so weird but yeah!" He laughed "You stare at him allllll the time and you always pick him for everything it's kinda cute. But really tell me the truth I don't care if you're gay or whatever I just want to know"I turned the sound down and looke at him. "No.I don't like like him. He just makes me feel like the most important person in the world. He's just the one who can make me smile at my darkest times. The one who will snuggle me if I can't fall asleep. The one who can make me feel some type of way all the time. NO ASHTON I don't like him!" I said sarcastically "Can we please drop this it's making me uncomfortable." I say and then turn up the sound. Did I just confess my love for Calum to Ashton? Shit. I hardly even noticed. Just answering his question outloud made me really think. I do like him I DO I DO I DO! But I can't make him like me, he never will. It sucks knowing you love someone you really can't have and you know they really don't want you the way you want them. Ashton smiled and said "that's all I needed to hear," I sighed about to speak "and don't worry I'm not going to tell anyone" he assured me and walked out of the room.

I woke up in the middle of the night, I must've fallen asleep after Ashton left. I went out to the bunks and only saw Michael. "Ash and Cal went on a midnight Taco Bell run, call them if you want something they left a few minutes ago" I was almost disappointed to hear that, what if Ashton was telling Calum everything I said?! I texted Ashton "ARE YOU TELLING HIM ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED EARLIER?" I sat across from Michael at the table and got a text back "Telling who what? It's Calum :)" shit shit. "Nothing haha get me a quesadilla!!!!!!!" I responded hoping he would forget about my first text "okay babe xx" he responded really fast. Thank the lord he's not questioning me about it. Hopefully he never finds out how I feel, he would hate me forever.

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