The Purge

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HELLOOOO I love it when you guys comment hehe yall are funny:)

SO SHITS ABOUT TO GET REAL. Well it's not too big (like Luke isn't going to confess his love to Calum hehehehe yet........ WHAT YOU DIDNT SEE THAT) but this is an important chapter weeeeee!! GET EXCITED

Oh and follow my fangirl twitter :D @quiffFORevery1 I'm not very active on it right now but follow itttttttt

Calum's POV

"Cal....Cal....Calum.....CALUM" I hear. "what the fuck man let me sleep" I said almost unaware of the fact I was speaking. "Excuse me, I thought I was your best friend" the Irish accent sassed back at me. "Niall, go wait at the table I'll be out soon." He huffed and I heard him walk away. I turned on my phone and it was 12:00. Damn. How did our managers let me sleep this late? I got up to find Michael, Luke, Ashton, Niall, Louis and Harry. "Calum we are going to see The Purge" Harry stated right when he saw me. "Uh okay yeah" I rubbed my eyes and laughed. We all really enjoy scary movies but Luke gets the most scared, he's always afraid of having nightmares after watching something scary. It's cute and sad that we are dragging him out to watch with us, but he looked excited! "What theater are we going to? Don't you think if we go in this huge group of famous teen boys we might be trampled?" Michael said with Ashton nodding his head. "I have a friend that works at some theater a couple blocks down, he knows a back entrance to every theater room" Louis said "but we can't be obnoxious or people will notice us." he finishes and looks right at me and Niall while saying that. I giggle. He knows us so well.

We arrived at the movie theater but had to go through the back doors. "Jack, could you get us some snacks?" Louis asked his friend that works there and hands him $50. We all took our seats in the way back. It went Mikey, Harry, Louis, Me, Niall, Luke and Ash. Jack came back with 3 bins of popcorn and a bunch of candy. Michael, Harry and Louis shared a popcorn, Me and Niall shared, and Luke was hogging the other popcorn from Ashton, typical. The movie was about 30 minutes in and it was pretty scary. I was creeped so I snuggled into Nialls neck whenever I was frightened. What can I say I'm pretty much a girl, but I like girls. So that makes me a lesbian I guess. Harry was hugging Louis for dear life and you could tell Louis was enjoying it. They are so cute wtf.

Luke's POV

So the movie is like half an hour in and I'm totally freaked out, but interested. I look over and see Larry protecting eachother. aw. Then I see NIALL AND CALUM SNUGGLING? My heart kind of dropped. Well now I sound like a pathetic teen girl getting jealous over every little thing. But how could I not get jealous of Niall snuggling Cal? I sunk down in my chair and watched them, it made me upset. "He'd snuggle anyone if he was next to them right now, he's just scared it means nothing." Ashton whispered in my ear. He must've noticed me staring them down. I gave him a little smile and went back to watching the movie.

We were done with the movie and it was scary as fuck. I'm pretty sure I'm going to have nightmares about being out an about when the pirge is happening an getting auctioned off oh jesus. But that's not all that's running through my head, Calum and Niall. People ship them and it makes me really jealous. I know that Calum isn't mine but I think I want him to be mine. it sucks. We are now walking to our hotel. "Bro me and Niall are going to grab some ice cream want to come?" I heard Calum giggly say while holding his arm around Niall. "no." I sternly said and walked a little faster to catch up with Ashton. "I saw what happened, they are just getting icecream man, you and I always do that it's not like a date or anything. Me and Mike will share a bed so you and Cal can share alright?" He's right but I'm still upset. We get to our room and it's just me, Michael and Ash. We say our goodnights because we're bushed and we go to sleep.

Calum's POV

I have no idea why Luke was so bitchy when I asked if he wanted ice cream? like okay I guess you don't want some delicious frozen yummyness. Me and Niall ended up going with Harry and Louis but they left together a while before us. Once we were done Niall called a car to get us and then drop me off at my hotel.

It was very late and when I entered the hotel room everyone was asleep. I heard rustling in on of the beds and I looked to see who it was. I t was Luke alone in a bed, sweating and tossing and turning. I didn't think muh of it until he started grunting and I remembered we had just seen a scary movie. I ran over to him and shook him, I sat him up and hugged him. "Luke it's okay! shhh you're alright you're with me, it's okay..." I whispered. His eyes opened, they were tear filled. He was crying and spitting out words here and there "I was running.......Chasing me.......auctioning me....." "Aw cone here it's just a movie you're all good" I hugged him tight and then pulled away and looked at him. His eyes were glossy and he looked down at the blanket avoiding eye contact. I put both hands under his chin and cupped his face. He looked me in the eyes and didn't look away. I don't know what came over me but I got closer and closer to his face an then stopped. Was I about to kiss him? What is up with me? "what are you doing?" he whispered in a raspy voice, "uh. I don't know" I pulled back a little and let my hands drop from his face. Next thing I know his hands were behind my neck quicky pulling me into a kiss. I didn't know what to do. His lips were soft and moved delicatly like a girls. I kissed back firmly and then stopped. Damn. That wasn't half bad. I opened my eyes and looked at him. Wow I'm just now relizing how weird this is. "We are so gay what just happend?" Luke said and we both laughed "oh man I'm sorry I kinda led that on to happening" I quickly spat out. I didn't want to make it more awkward by acting different with his so I just hopped over him and layed next to him. "Snuggle? I don't want you to have another nightmare" I said. "yes please" I saw his dimple in the dark before he snuggle up to me. What a weird night.

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