Chapter 15

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Sorry for the slow updates. School has started and I'm officially a junior ♡
Anyway, I'm going to try and make my chapters longer. My chapters usually are about ~680 words so my goal now is to reach >1000 words♤
♡I hope you enjoy the chapter my dearies♡

Felix's POV

I sigh, adjusting the sword on my shoulders. It was heavy on my back, especially with the weight of the bow and arrows along side it. I wanted to carry the food satchel for Ryan but having walked for only just over a mile, my back was aching and I don't regret giving it to him. I still felt bad about it however. I made sure to check back on Ryan to see how he was doing. Thankfully he didn't seem too tired. As we pressed on, my mind would wander to earlier today when I kissed Ryan. I could still feel his lips on mine.. it felt so familiar. It felt right. I thought about it. I couldn't love Ryan. We just met and he wouldn't love me. But why did I feel bothered by it? I shrugged off the returning thought once again, looking up at the dark blue sky. We had made it safely into the woods. Now we had to survive the dangers in the woods.


"We should make camp here.." I commented, stopping in my tracks to turn and face Ryan who stopped just behind me.

"Yeah?" He replied with more of a questioning tone. "It is late and we have been walking for a while." He then pulled the satchel off his shoulder and set it down as he sat upon a soft spot of dirt.

"I'll make a fire so we can have some warmth and light. But we need to get to sleep soon so we can continue on with our journey as early as possible." I explained to Ryan as i started to collect some decent sized sticks. I made sure to grab thick ones for the base and thinner ones to add onto it. I grabbed a couple handfuls of dried up old leaves and set them in a neat circular pile before placing the decent sized sticks on them. After placing some twigs beneath the thicker sticks, i began to make the fire. It took a little bit but I eventually got it going. I then realized we didn't grab anything to keep up warm such as blankets. I looked over to Ryan who smiled as he felt the warmth of the fire reach him. I smiled softly before moving over to sit next to him. "Mind handing me an apple?" Ryan shook his head and complied, handing me a wonderful deep red apple. I took it then took a bite, feeling the juice slip down my chin. I wiped my mouth with my sleeve and chuckled. "How're you feeling? Think you'll be good to walk the whole day tomorrow?" Ryan nodded.

"Yeah.. but can you stay closer to me? I was having a hard time keep up with you." I smiled apologetically even though he couldn't see it. "Of course." I chuckled softly and let out a sigh as I then focused of finishing my apple.

It was silent between us as we listened to the fire crackle and the crickets chirp. Ryan was laying on the ground next to me, slowly falling into a deep sleep. I decided I would stay up for a while and keep watch. Bandits could be anywhere in these woods. Or even a dangerous wild animal like a bear. Luckily the temp went down to about only 60°F at night so it wasnt too cold to begin with. The fire just helps more for comfort. I had a latern attached to the belt of my pants in case we had to travel during dark. During the daytime, the temperature would get to over 80°F. It really made me sweat which was quite uncomfortable. I think the only we get chilled at night is because we would get so used to the heat during the day. I let out a sigh through my nose, deciding I should get some rest. I laid down before closing my eyes and letting sleep take over.


I slowly blinked my eyes open before rubbing them with a yawn. The warm breeze flowing through my hair as I sat up with a stretch. Getting up, I decided to pull out another apple for Ryan and I to eat before heading on our way. I turned to Ryan as he sat up with a big stretch and yawn. "Sleep well?" I had asked him.

"Yeah.." He responded, his voice cracky and laced with tiredness.  "And you?"

I gave him a smile that I knew he couldn't see. "I slept well. Care for an apple before we leave?" I asked, holding out the ripe green apple. He nodded in which I responded by placing the apple in his hand. He raised my green apple up and bit into it, feeling the juice slide down my chin from the corner of my mouth. "Hopefully we will be able to walk a good distance before having to stop again. I want to avoid any danger as possible." Ryan nodded in agreement as he soon finished his apple. After tossing the core further into the woods, he grabbed his armor his parents made for him before we left and pulled it on, adjusting it. I soon did the same before standing up and helping Ryan up. "Let's go." I told him as we began walking.

The breeze felt nice against my face as it cooled me down due to the sweat that had gathered up at the sides of my nose and around my neck. It felt even better when I'd wipe the sweat away. It was hotter than yesterday making this day almost miserable. Thankfully, the breeze made it bearable.  The one thing i enjoyed most, that I wish Ryan could enjoy with me, was watching all the animals go by. Squirrels run around the trees, birds flying across trees and over the sky, chipmunks racing past our feet every now and then. It was so peaceful. My steps faultered and stopped when I got shocked by a sudden dear running past us, making Ryan bump into me and fall to his butt. "What was that?" He had asked as I helped him back up.

"It was just a deer, don't worry."

He nodded as we continued on. The sky eventually turned to a pink and orange color as the sun began to set. Our feet were killing us so we decided we would set up camp once again.

"What was that?" Ryan asked as he snapped his head to the side. I looked over where Ryan had turned his attention too. The bushes ruffled before a man wearing some sort of bear like hat jumped out and tackled Ryan. "What the hell?" I barked out at the man as I ran over to yank the guy off Ryan. Ryan's wrists had a dark spot around them where the man held down his hands. He was trying to rob us. The guy socked me pretty hard in the cheek, causing me to stumbled back a bit before he then tackled me. I responded by forcefully pushing him off me in which I got on top to land a hard punch on his nose. His nose was now bleeding as he groaned in pain. "Fuck off man!" I yelled as he pushed me off of him, getting up. Ryan felt around his waist before pulling out his dagger for defense. Noticing the dagger, the guy backed off a bit. "Woah woah, no need for that.." He told Ryan on edge. That must mean he's weaponless and thats what he was after when he tackled Ryan. This guy was pretty tall and had a decent length beard. I got up to quickly defend Ryan if he attacked again.

"I know what youre after. You're defenseless." I grinned as he threw his bad comeback. 

"I-I am not. I noticed you had food and i was after that." That could've been true.

"Well hey. I'll give you an apple if you promise not to attack us. Clearly, we have a higher attack and defense rate than you so I wouldn't try and pull anything anyway." He gave a nod.

"My names Ken." The bearded man told us.

"Im Felix and that's Ryan." I pointed with my thumb back at Ryan. I kept my guard up just in case. I went over to Ryan and grabbed an apple. "Here." I tossed the apple to Ken.

"Thank you.." He caught the apple almost desperately before he quickly took a big bite out of it.

"You haven't ate in a while, have you?" He shook his head in response, taking another big bite. He didn't seem like the type to go into being a bandit. "Hmm.. well.. maybe you can tag along with us. Were headed to a base thats guarded. However, theres plenty of supplies and food there. You can stock up and eat to help you back on your feet." This brought a smile to the bearded mans face.

"Really? That sounds awesome! Sure, I'd love to tag along."

"Great." I smiled. "We're resting here and continuing fourth in the early morning."

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Yay, ~1,570 words :)

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