Chapter 6

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(Sorry for the late update! Wattpad was hating me and not opening up on my phone =n= ))

Cry's POV

I lay awake on my bed, waiting for my brother to come and help me around the house. The weird thing is.. he hasn't come yet. I sat up and stood out of my bed slowly. I reached my hands out in front of me, making sure I didn't bump I to anything. Once I finally made it to my door, I opened it up and shuffled out into the living room. "Nathan? Mom?" I called. Frowning as I got no reply, I went back into my room slowly and felt for my dresser. Grumbling in annoyance as it took me a bit to find it, I opened the drawer and pulled out a piece of clothing that felt like a shirt. I shut that one and opened the one below it, pulling out something that felt like pants. "It'll have to do for now..' I sighed, setting the pieces of clothing on the bed. I pulled off my pj shirt and pants, slipping on the fresh clothing. I shuffled my way out of my room and to the front door, with my arms extended in front of me. Stepping out the front door and shutting it, I called for my mom and brother again. "Mom! Nathan!" I bit my lower lip and sat down on the porch step. "Where are they..?" I mumbled to myself. I lifted my head up as I heard someone call my name.

"Cry! Are you ready to walk to school?" I heard Felix's voice call. I lifted my head up and stood on my feet.

"Felix! Do you know where my family went?" I asked, extending my arms out to grab him. I felt Felix grab my hands and intertwine our fingers.

"Don't worry. They told me they went to your grandmas for a visit and they left you home so you could go to school. You have to stay over my house until they get back." Felix explained.

"So I'm going to your house after school? What about fresh clothing?" I asked and I heard him chuckle.

"We're coming here to grab a few pairs of clothes, then going to my house." I nodded and let go of one of Felix's hands.

"We should start walking so we're not late for school." All I heard from Felix was silence until he started to drag me. I chuckled and went closer to him. "What time is it?"

"It's about 5:30am." Felix answered, holding into my hand tighter. I pressed my arm against his and smiled.


Once we got to the school, Felix led me to mine and his locker before we went to our first period.. Language arts. I wish I could see.. I'd love to be able to read and write. I feel bad that Felix writes everything for me.. doesn't his hand get tired? hours of the day writing for me? I sighed as I sat down in my seat with Felix next to mine. I placed my chin on my desk, feeling like other people in the class were staring at me. I heard Ken in front of me, turn in his seat. "Hey Cry." he greeted me. I lifted my hand a little and waved.

"Hey." I lifted my head up off the desk and put on a smile. "Can you hand me a pencil and paper please?"

"Um... ok." Ken handed me what I asked for and I set it on my desk in front of me. I turned my head in Felix's direction.

"Can you show me how to write the alphabet?"

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