Oi, this is my diary second edition. I recommend you read the first one because you wouldn't know the timeline. And also the first one has 100 parts so good luck with that. This one will also have 100 parts. So don't get left behind!
Anyways over the summer has been chaotic as usual you wouldn't be surprised. But you might wonder why I didn't update during the summer? It was my break from writing ok? I might be a little sketchy with my writing because I haven't wrote in so long. But I practiced writing in August so I hope it's not that bad.
"Hey Killua whatcha writing in your girly diary!" Asuna chirps. "Shut up it's a journal!"
Asuna: *Goes on wattpad and sees; "Killua's Diary"*
Killua: *throws phone out window* SCAM!!
Asuna: MY PHONE WHY!!! * goes downstairs*
I return to my room where my diar- I mean, journal is unharmed and slides it under my bed,
"No one will know my secret.."
rip Asuna's phone-
Killua's Diary 2 キルアの日記 (Ask Killua#2)
Random|Killua's Diary|Sequel| Didn't expect to write another one, honestly.. (〃 ̄ω ̄〃ゞ