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So many Arcs ago...

"Do you know if those are poisonous?"

"Erm, no,"Xandria mumbles.
"Alex," I say to her like Aubrey always does. She raises an eyebrow.
"Why are you calling me by my nickname?"
"Ya want me to call me by your real name?"
"I'd prefer you to." 
I trudge into the blueberry bush getting scratched by ivy,"They're surprisingly not poisonous." I look at her a little shocked myself after eating one.

"I guess they wanted us to think that." She laughs lightly. Jumping out of the bush, I plop right next to her eating a few more. She grabs my legs as a let out a cry, "Why the heck did you think it was a good idea to walk into the bush?"

"Don't make it more serious than it really is." I moan.
"Just looking out for you."
"You don't have to."
"I know I don't have to. I want to."
"This should be the other way around." I say coldly.
She gets up and walks towards the ivy bush. "What are you doing?"

She lifts one foot. I sprint up and grab her. "Stop trying to test me." I felt my cheeks getting hot as she kissed them.
She grins, "How sweet."

Killua's Diary 2  キルアの日記 (Ask Killua#2)Where stories live. Discover now