Online shopping

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"What's wrong with online shopping?"
"Nothing. I just never thought of it."
"I'm going to buy something for Mom and Dad." Asuna types away on her laptop. I sit on the couch in the back, "Any ideas?"  "Well, Yuki never told me specifically what she wanted."  "The only thing I could think of is to get rid of Ash." "I know right, she hates him.." "I doubt Santa is gonna do that," Gon joined in. "You believe in Santa?" I ask Gon. "Or course I do! Who wouldn't believe in Santa?"  "Well if Santa did get rid of Ash, we would find him in the chimney." Xandria joked. "That's the last place I wanna look." Asuna laughed. "Why would Santa get rid of Ash," Aubrey asked. "Because he's being naughty," Xandria muttered.  "You haven't noticed?" I sigh and see Asuna scroll through chainsaws on Amazon. "Ugh, What the hell?" Asuna scrolled down through weapons like knifes and katanas. "Well, she would love a new weapon!" Asuna said. "Please no," Gon pleaded. "She's gonna go on a rampage."
"What else will she want?!" Asuna whined.
"Do you want to ruin Christmas?!" Aubrey complained.
"Can you guys shut up for one second and try to compromise?" I speak up.

"Best thing I heard all day from you," Xandria grinned.
"Ok, ok. What about this?" Asuna said.
"She would love that!" Aubrey agreed.
"Doesn't it look too girly? Unless Yuki is girly?" Xandria guesses.
"What about a crop top?"
"Ew Asuna that's the only thing you would want to wear."
"Aww man."

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