"Eggnog is disgusting!"
"It's good!"
"It's horrible I could barf."
"Stop arguing.." I moan
"Eggnog is life."
"Eggnog is hell."
Le Gasp*
Team Malk vvvv
Eggnog is not half as good as malk. Malk is good for you. And drinking eggnog makes you feel old man and you're basically consuming raw eggshells liquid form.
Team Eggnog
I have nothing against milk, however, doesn't mean you can't repeat the eggnog for the holidays. Malk is from cows and you abuse them with filthy labor.
Le gasp
Team MalkMilk is good for you and helps your bones. LeBron James and Beyoncé agree. They sponsored milk ads . And we do no such thing to abuse the cows. They are the milk gods.
"Ok this is going too far!" I break Xandria and Aubrey apart from argument.
Xandria- team Milk
Aubrey- team Eggnog
"Killua do you like eggnog or milk?" Aubrey asked.
"No! Do you like milk OR eggnog?" Xandria asked.
"Both of you shut up and ask people in the comments."
Killua's Diary 2 キルアの日記 (Ask Killua#2)
Random|Killua's Diary|Sequel| Didn't expect to write another one, honestly.. (〃 ̄ω ̄〃ゞ