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"I'm not ready," I whine sitting in an isolated corner. Aubrey irritated putting her hands on her hips growls, "If you don't get anything for Alex, I will!" "Why wouldn't I get Xandria anything?!" I say frustrated. "Because you haven't known her as long as me," Aubrey screams. "That doesn't mean anything. You're just jealous she likes me more than you, you fattie!" I kick her into a wall as she bounces off knocking the table over. "Well that's just great you knocked the whole glass table over!" Kurapika said noticing commotion.
He didn't listen to us argue and didn't care for it. Aubrey gets enraged as fire flames on her split ends. Gon comes out of nowhere and splashes water on her playfully, "Haha!" Aubrey grins a bit as she cools down and plays with Gon. The area around the tipped over table was mess. Spilt hot, greasy wax dripped onto books metallic pens all around. I cry a little as a run into some box wax that's boiling hot. "Seems like Aubrey really burned the table down." Kurapika said peeking out of his book. The tables remains were wood melting slowly and sizzling. Xandria walks in and jumps back as the hot wax almost touches her, "Killua, you caused this didn't you?"
"Where were you?" I said dodging he question. "That's a secret." She smiles nudging me as I grin ear to ear purring softly.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2018 ⏰

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