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Biscuit came over again. Great, the dead hair blonde is here. I had bad history with her in general. Not only that is was obvious she was gonna come over, but we saw her creeping in the woods. You won't see that every day. Xandria spotted her pigtail and questioned her she turned around and it got silent. "Biscuit?" Gon stuttered. "Yep! I'm here." "Why are you here," I mumble. "CUS I WANT TO." "It's all sudden you came back so soon." Gon grinned. "Pah! You call that soon?" Gon shrugged and looked towards Xandria and Aubrey. "You've seen her before I believe," "Yes, I've seen these cuties before!" Biscuit hugged them. "Xandria and Aubrey!" Biscuit memorized. "Yeah!" Aubrey nodded."So have you boys remember using your Nen?" "How could we forget??" Killua murmers. "We just haven't done it in a while." Gon replied. Biscuit unwravled her blonde pigtail and took out a comb continuing, "Huh, where's the house again? The house you all live in."

"Oh, its the only house around here, you can't miss it!" Aubrey answered. "Ah thanks I might visit Yuki soon and see how she's doing," "She's fine!" Biscuit looks over at Xandria and Aubrey, "It's about time you girls know about nen!"

"WHAT?!" Gon and I shrieked looking puzzled. "Hey we have to talk about this," Gon said rubbing the back of his neck nervously. "No need Gon, I'll teach them." Gon looks at Aubrey trying to bribe her to take down the offer. Aubrey was pretty excited about it. Xandria on the other hand was thinking what was it in for her.

"Biscuit you're not going to teach them nen until they're ready,"

"Butt put out of this Killua, its for them not you!" I cross my arms as she inspects Xandria. "I'm gonna teach them a whole new type of nen you guys haven't been introduced to yet."

"And what's that?" I say on the verge of anger.

"You'll see,"

Sorry for not uploading daily, yuki motivates me to continue this but she's currently going through something so I lose my motivation and look after her. I also have soon family issues myself, (Illumi) My writing is pretty rubbish after a certain amount of time without writing so yeahh...sorry about that. I'll post as soon as I can!

-Killua Zoldyck :3

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