Spring Allergies

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"Yay Spring!"

"Nooo there's pollen! I hate Spring." I pout.

"I love Spring! I mean,I don't have allergies I can't feel your pain."

"How can you not have allergies? It's so common."

"I'm a spring baby!"

"A very late spring baby,"

"Hey, you would think Gon wouldn't have spring allergies since he's outside a lot."

"I don't have allergies!" Gon teases.

"Haha, you Killua and Aubrey are the only ones right now that have allergies!" Xandria looks as Aubrey gets a nosebleed.

"Does that happen to people with allergies in the spring willingly? Do you need a nurse Aubrey??" Gon says stutters.

Sorry for not updating in a while, I've been trying to make longer chapters, and school backs me up from working too but I'm still working on it.  <3

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2018 ⏰

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