"It's fall! Killua!"
"Zzz, huh?"
"It's fall! Huh? Killua! Again?"
"What is it?" I glance at Xandria drowsily and pretend nothing changed. She grabs my hoodie collar and tugs it, jerking me forward in a painful position. I tug her in my direction and and firmly grab her waist. She grabs my cheek where my bandages are and pulls them off. Each one she plucks off a red mark appears on my face. I hold her tightly as she questions my actions. "Can we play in the leaves together?" I let her go as my hands leave her waist. "Maybe," I look out the window. She pouts and leans her face towards mine. My cheeks turn pink as I pull her closer to me. "Please??" I scowl as she makes a sly grin.
She gets off me and as I sit up. She takes my hoodie and says, "Come outside when you're ready!" I nod and she was gone.
When I look outside I notice the big tree in the front had leaves falling off. There was a chill in the atmosphere of my room. The door was created open, and I had no air conditioning in my room. "Dammit," It's fall of course it's cold. I put my hand on the window and put pressure on it. Yeah, it was from outside. My hands and feet were freezing, I just noticed. I went downstairs to find Gon and Aubrey making leaf cookies with Asuna. "That explains the strong cinnamon smell," I chirp as I scrunch my nose sensitively. "You guessed it toots!" Biscuit said sitting on a nearby counter. "Don't talk to me." She sighs, "He hasn't changed huh Gon?"
"If that's what you think, Biscuit." Gon and Aubrey's faces were covered in dough and flour and there hands were all powdery. "Go clean up, Aubrey and Gon," Yuki said walking in with a pink lace apron on. They leave towards he bathroom around the corner. "Hey Killua, Maybe you should help us ice he cookies!" Asuna commented. "I'm good," Yuki looks at us rather confused, "Why did you guys start without me?" "Sorry, we couldn't wait. You and Golden were probably eating each other's faces off." Yuki rolls her eyes obnoxiously ignoring the comment.
Suddenly the door flew open and the cold air was exposed into the house, making it chilly. The heat died off in pity. "AGH, XANDRIA!" Asuna shivered as the mist air traveled. Xandria, finally closing the door ran up to me and threw a coat over me, "Eh?" She says nothing and runs back out. I slowly put the jacket on and look out the window. She was sitting under the tree alone. It was really windy. The wave of guilt shined upon me and I race out in the wind. I sat next to her. Silence went between us for a while. Until I apologize and she asks,
"Can we play in the leaves together?"
I look over to her shoulder and smile.

Killua's Diary 2 キルアの日記 (Ask Killua#2)
De Todo|Killua's Diary|Sequel| Didn't expect to write another one, honestly.. (〃 ̄ω ̄〃ゞ