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Please let me have a peaceful dream. All my friends and fam with me. We live all eternity. Till the sun dies. These memories. I blow out a dandilion. All of flurries go across the field. Flowers below the hill, in indivdiual groups. I see Yuki and Golden, they're in the flowers, the golden ones esspecially. She placed a golden flower crown on him and they laughed. I see also see Alluka and Kalluto playing tag in the blue flowers and Aubrey and Gon are in the red flowers talking. I was sitting under the sakura tree with Xandria she was sitting on it. "Hey Killua, what will happen when we grow up?" She asked. "I dont' know, I just know stuff will be different." "Nothing bad right?" I look up at her, "I hope not," Time will have to tell. Just thinking of the future is scary, where would we be? Xandria plays with my hair as I stare off at the flowers. Yuki and Golden both have flower crowns. Alluka and Kalluto were sleeping in the blue flowers. Aubrey and Gon were looking at the clouds. "When we all get older, I want all of us to live near each other. So, we could see each other..but what if we seperate?" "We won't. Yuki will-" "What if Aubrey and I have to be forced to go back to the U.S and stay there?" "Don't say that," I hug her. "I'll stay with you when we grow up if I have to."

Yuki puts a flower crown on her head. "Hey-" "Ssh!" Golden leans down and picks up a small butterfly. It was just a little baby. It had a baby pink color and flies up and lands on Yuki's nose. She giggles and gently puts it on a golden flower. The pink butterfly instantly turns golden. Golden gasps and looks at closely. "This isn't an ordinary butterfly." Golden says stiffly. "Be free!" Yuki says and gently throws the precious butterfly into the air. But the baby butterfly squealed and fell down and landed on a golden flower. "GOLDEN Jr!!" Golden yelled and picked it up and gave it miniature CPR. "Golden, I'm sorry!" "Say sorry to the butterfly!" "I-I'm sorry Golden Jr," The butterfly makes chirping noises as Yuki blankly stares at it. "He'll be fine." she says putting it on Golden's flower crown. "You're obviously very attached to it Lance." "I'm keeping him," Golden beams looking up at his flower crown with 'Golden Jr' on it. Golden Jr landed on a red flower and changed colors. "So its basically a camo-butterfly?" "Looks like it." "Well I'm still calling it Golden Jr." "How about a more..unique name," Yuki suggests. "Like maybe the name Harper?" "I guess so, Harper is a good name but its nickname will be Golden Jr!" "Fair enough,"

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