"So I guess we'll be pretty visible?"
"Nuh uh! I got some black hoodies!" Xandria said excitedly. "Xandria you're a genius!" Gon said as him and Aubrey put them on. "I already have a black hoodie on, so I got a few spare,"
"They know we're here." "Lets stick together!" Aubrey whispered. They enter the mansion and see Kalluto blocking their way, "Leave now or suffer the consequences. I won't stop you, but do know there will be others waiting for you." All three of them slowly passed Kalluto. They all see me and pause. "Why are you here. What do you want from us?"I raised his voice. His mother was not too far behind and was about to cry of joy, proud of me. I shrug it off annoyed. Aubrey chickened out and whispered quietly, "Gon, he's gonna recognize our voice!" Gon's looks over at her, "I know." "Let me handle it." Xandria said to both of them. Xandria stepped forward. "Reveal yourselfs."I say coldly. Aubrey and Gon cringe. Xandria quietly chuckles, "So be it then." Xandria walks over to Gon and Aubrey, "We gotta Reveal ourselves there's no way outta this."
"Reveal yourself first!" Aubrey says.
"Actually," Xandria thinks. "I wanna see how this fight goes."
"Xandria noo!" Gon whispers.
"I refuse to reveal myself." Xandria says out loud. Xandria disguised her voice a little, and changed it so it wouldn't be obvious. "Fine, fight to the death then." I scowl glaring at her.(Little did I know that was Xandria..until..)
Gon and Aubrey sigh as they see friends fight, but could not do anything. After a long while, I start noticing I've never fought someone for so long. Out of anger of not defeating her yet I yell, "WHO ARE YOU?!" Xandria just chuckles again. "Why should I tell? You can't even defeat me."
"What was your point of coming here?" I ask bewildered. "To just prove I was stronger than you of course?" I look at her with disgust. "You'll never-
She grabs me by my collar, "You're fighting someone you know so well, and you don't even know it." I shove her off me, "Stop playing games with me." I get a little irritated. Gon and Aubrey step in and defend her, "Leave her be." I almost snap and kill them but Xandria stops me. Xandria tells them to stay behind her and they go back reluctantly. "Fine. I'll reveal myself. For your entertainment." Xandria looks back at Gon and Aubrey. "And they'll reveal them self's after me."
"Ok.." I say feeling uneasy. Xandria slowly reveals her hood and so do they.
"W-What?! What are you guys,"my voice fades a little and I end up mumbling to myself. Gon explains everything, but I was still mad so they had to make it up. They all wanted to do is just see Alluka which is pretty ironic.

Killua's Diary 2 キルアの日記 (Ask Killua#2)
Random|Killua's Diary|Sequel| Didn't expect to write another one, honestly.. (〃 ̄ω ̄〃ゞ