Several months ago....
"He's so big," aubrey whispered. Zebro the guard showed them Mike the big guard dog. Gon shivered. "Would you fight him Gon." Zebro asked. "N-no. I'm too scared." Zebro notices his honesty. Xandria pets the dog, "Aww how you be scared of it?"
Huh?"How the hell is she not scared of that Kurapika?" Leorio murmurs. "I would ask the same thing," Kurapika replies. "Xandria be carful." Gon said. Xandria stepped back, "Eh, you guys worry too much." It's the eyes that's scary. But Mike is harmless if you don't get on his bad side.
"We should be on our way now." Zebro says walking past Mike. The others follow while Xandria patted him one more time before leaving.
"MIKE DID YOU MISS ME?!" Xandria yelled happily jumping on his leg after he sat down. "You guys met Mike already?" I looked at everyone perplexed. "Yeah, Xandria was the only one last time that wasn't afraid of your dog." Gon said nervously. "Why don't you guys pet him?" Xandria grinned. I walk up to Mike, "You guys can come pet him, he won't bite for now."
"For now?! No thank you!" Leorio stiffened. "Psh, old man is scared." I say loudly. "What did you say? LOOK YOU GUYS CAN GO AHEAD. I'm not a fan of big dogs." Leorio defended himself. Mike growled lowly a little which made it echo. "Do you want him to kill you old man?" I say irritated. Leorio fell to the ground shocked. "I guess Mike doesn't like grown up teens like you," Xandria laughed throwing a rock at Leorio's head.
Killua's Diary 2 キルアの日記 (Ask Killua#2)
Random|Killua's Diary|Sequel| Didn't expect to write another one, honestly.. (〃 ̄ω ̄〃ゞ